Chapter 615 The competition is fierce

Before he could figure out where the awkwardness was, he heard his wife's laughter.

Li Qiaomu held his stomach and laughed so hard that he almost lost his temper.

"Oh, it's so funny, boss man, Er Gouzi, who taught you to call this name?" Li Qiaomu asked while laughing while holding his stomach.

Er Gouzi didn't know what was so funny about what he yelled, but seeing the boss smiling so happily, he also wondered if what he yelled was really so funny.

"No one taught me. I thought of it myself. Could it be that I called it wrong?" He asked a little embarrassed.

At this time, Jian Haotian finally figured out what was awkward.

"You should call me by my name. You don't have to call me the boss man. It doesn't sound good," he said.

Ergouzi nodded immediately after listening, "Oh, okay, I won't bark like that next time."

Li Qiaomu also finished laughing at this time, Bao, who was looking at this mountain, put his hands on his waist with satisfaction.

"Boss, this tea can be picked again. I plan to pick it in two days. Do you think it will work?"

Li Qiaomu looked at the few tea trees that had been planted on the mountain before, and each tea tree had green and young leaves on it.

Maybe it's because of the watering of the Lingquan, but these tea trees of hers can be picked every ten days to taste the tea.

When I first planted it, I just wanted to have my own tea to taste, but I didn't expect this tea tree to produce tea all year round.

"Okay, you can figure it out. When the time comes, you can pick it up and bring it home." She didn't have anyone else do this tea frying. After all, the purest spiritual spring water is used, so she can only do it herself. .

The young couple wandered around here for a while, picked up half a basket of eggs before returning home.

After two days of being glued to each other, Jian Haotian's vacation finally expired, and he had to pick up his briefcase and go back to work in the bureau.

Within two days, Li Qiaomu learned that Qin Wei had been sentenced to prison, and he was still in prison for more than five years.

Hearing this news, Li Qiaomu only felt happy in his heart.

She has no control over what will happen to the Qin family because of this incident.

As soon as the affairs of the Qin family were over, the results of the bidding for the state banquet came out. There was no doubt that the ingredients she sent over were selected.

When they got the news, everyone around them were happy with Li Qiaomu.

Li Dongsheng said happily, "Third sister, will our ingredients be sent to Beijing in the future, so that people there can also eat our vegetables?"

"That's for sure, and not only people in Beijing can eat our vegetables, but even foreigners can eat our vegetables. If we want our vegetables, we will go abroad." Li Qiaoxin excitedly followed his son Some of what she said was translated.

Li Dongsheng looked at the second sister with admiration, "Second sister, you are so amazing, you know how to go abroad."

"Hey, don't make fun of me. I'm so good. I heard your nephew say it. I just remembered it." Li Qiaoxin blushed when his younger brother praised her.

Li Qiaomu listened to his relatives happy for him with a smile on his face. Seeing that they chatted farther and farther away, he smiled and explained to them, "You guys are thinking too far. Although our bidding was selected, But this time, many products from other companies were also selected, and there is a second pass, and it is said that half of the second pass will be selected, so the competition is really fierce.”

(End of this chapter)

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