Chapter 621 Misunderstood Again
"Sister, fortunately I listened to you, otherwise I would starve to death if I really ate the food on the train." Li Dongsheng couldn't arouse his appetite at all when he thought of the braised pork that Yu ate just now.

"The food on the train also has its own characteristics, and it's difficult for everyone to agree. Maybe we're just used to eating at home." Li Qiaomu said.

Yu Dawei, who was sitting on the lower bunk, listened to the words of the two siblings and smelled the fragrance in the air. He suddenly understood why the man surnamed Li only bought two portions of plain rice.

If he has such delicious dishes, he will not buy the dishes here, he is also willing to eat the dishes he brought over.

At this moment, he regretted the matter he had discussed with Comrade Li not long ago.

I guess it's not that they don't have money, they just don't like to eat food on the train.

On the next train, Yu Dawei has been intentionally or unintentionally trying to please the two siblings.

Li Qiaomu saw that he was courteous for nothing, and he could guess what was going on in his mind at a glance.

It's a pity that after knowing what this man was thinking, Li Qiaomu didn't want to be like him pretending nothing happened.

Until the train pulled into the station, Yu Dawei didn't speak to Li Qiaomu again.

After leaving the train station, Li Qiaomu was carrying a small luggage bag, and Li Dongsheng was carrying a large one. The two siblings stood at the gate of the station.

"Sister, where are we going now?" Suddenly coming to this unfamiliar place, Li Dongsheng suddenly felt a little restrained.

"It's going to be dark later, of course we need to find a place to live, but your brother-in-law told me that his colleagues will pick us up." Li Qiaomu looked around outside the train, but didn't find anyone holding a letter to her. Name sign of person.

Just then, a tractor stopped in front of them.

The person sitting in the car was none other than Yu Dawei who lived with their siblings all the way.

"You two, do you have no one to pick you up? Otherwise, I'll let my relatives take you along. Where are you going?" Yu Dawei, who was sitting on the tractor, shouted proudly. road.

When Li Dongsheng saw his smug look, he felt annoyed. He planned to hold his breath and refuse for himself and his sister, "No, we have someone to pick him up. You should go."

Seeing him like this, Yu Dawei thought it was a good face for him, and he said someone would pick him up even if no one answered him, so he continued to persuade him with a very kind look, "Oh, you two, you don't have to be so polite with me, we are here You can be regarded as old acquaintances on the train, I can't just watch you two brothers and sisters being picked up here."

Just as he said these words with a proud face, suddenly a car horn sounded from not far away.

After a while, a police car stopped in front of the siblings, and a tall man stepped down from the driver's seat, happily walked up to Li Qiaomu and asked, "Excuse me, is this Comrade Li Qiaomu?"

Li Qiaomu smiled and nodded, "You are Comrade Zhou Jin, right? I am Li Qiaomu. Jian Haotian often mentions you in front of me."

When Zhou Jin heard this, he immediately smiled a little embarrassedly, "I didn't expect that kid to mention me."

Speaking of this, he remembered that he had come to pick up this younger brother and sister at the behest of his old comrade-in-arms this time.

"Brothers and sisters, I'm really sorry. I'm late because I have something to do in the bureau. I kept you waiting for a long time. We'll get in the car right away. I'll take you to the restaurant to pick up the dust." Zhou Jin stepped forward to help the two siblings pick up their luggage. .

(End of this chapter)

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