Chapter 629
"Since you know the goods, you are naturally willing to sell them to you. These things are of the highest quality. I will sell them to you for 100 yuan."

Li Qiaomu was just about to nod his head and say yes, when he suddenly heard the younger brother who was following him exclaim, "100 yuan, it's so expensive, and your things don't look very good, yet you want 100 yuan, grandma, you didn't blackmail us, did you? "

The old grandma snorted hard at him, "I won't talk to you who don't know anything."

Li Dongsheng was so angry that he almost jumped up.

"That's right, don't talk if you don't understand, go out and wait outside, don't disturb us here." Li Qiaomu also looked at this little brother with a look of disgust at this time.

Li Dongsheng called out unhappily, "Sister."

"What's the matter, my sister can't make you obey me now, can I?" Li Qiaomu stared at her with a blank look.

Li Dongsheng saw it, so he had no choice but to go out with a face of reluctance.

When there were only the two of them left in the shop, Li Qiaomu continued to tell her old man with a smile, "Grandma, I accept the price you mentioned. It's 100 yuan."

The grandmother took the 100 yuan, "Which university did you graduate from?"

Li Qiaomu smiled and answered honestly, "I haven't gone to college, I just like playing this game."

In her previous life, because she was bored and curious about this skin care product, she tried to learn about it online and try it out.

Later, when I came here, because the skin care products here were limited, they were all creams and the like. She felt uncomfortable using them, so she tried to make them by herself. With the addition of Lingquan water, the skin care products made seemed like It's pretty good, making her skin smooth and tender.

Hearing her answer, the old lady looked at her in surprise.

But soon she seemed to have figured something out, and said calmly, "It's okay if you haven't gone to college, after all, this thing still depends on talent."

Li Qiaomu smiled and didn't say much.

After buying good things, Li Qiaomu quickly walked out of the wooden box.

Li Dongsheng, who was waiting outside, saw the thing in her hand, and immediately said with a bitter face, "Sister, you really bought this thing, what do you want to do with this thing that no one wants?" .”

In his opinion, the box was covered with a layer of dust when it was taken out, which showed that no one wanted to buy the things inside.

But his sister is a big idiot, and she actually spent 100 yuan on these unwanted things.

Li Qiaomu didn't know that his little brother actually called her a big fool in her heart, otherwise, she would have to grab his ear and talk hard for half an hour before letting go.

"You don't understand, these things are good things, they can make us money, trust me." Li Qiaomu hugged these things with a baby face.

This big city is great, you can buy anything you want.

The materials she made when she was in her hometown had to be found after several layers of people. Because the materials were scarce, she just made a few small bottles for the two sisters to use.

This time the materials allow her to make a lot of skin care products.

Li Dongsheng obviously didn't believe his sister's words, "Only these things can make us money? I don't believe it."

Li Qiaomu didn't explain much, and quickly carried the wooden box back to the hotel where they were staying.

(End of this chapter)

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