Chapter 637 Accident
As soon as the words fell, he quickly pushed them and pushed them into Li Dongsheng's room.

Before the first and fourth children inside could react, he had already closed the door.

After all this was done, Jian Haotian went back to the daughter-in-law who was standing at the door next door, held her hand, looked at her with clear eyes and said, "Finally no one will bother us anymore, we can have a quiet conversation for a while It's gone." After speaking, he took the back of her hand and placed it on his lips and kissed her gently.

Li Qiaomu blushed a little from his actions.

Before she opened the door, he couldn't wait to snatch the key card from her hand, and offered to help her open the door.

The moment the door opened, the two quickly entered the room.

As soon as he entered the room, Li Qiaomu's mouth was severely blocked by the man in front of him.

After a long absence, Li Qiaomu let the man in front of him be domineering, and went down with him.

The young couple didn't know how long they drank each other's saliva in the room, until their mouths were a little sour, and then reluctantly let go of each other.

Li Qiaomu looked at the gentle man in front of him with red lips, "Why did you bring the child here? You didn't notify me before you came."

"I want to give you a surprise. I took the annual leave from the year before. This year, I don't have as many holidays as before." He gently held her hand and said.

"How long can I stay here?" Li Qiaomu asked, resting his head on his chest.

"Half a month's vacation, but now it's gone. I've spent two days of vacation, and now it's only about thirteen days." He had never felt that the days passed so quickly like this moment.

Especially the time spent with his wife, it is like the sun and the moon fly by.

"Then I'll spare some time, and our family will have a good time here. I heard that the attractions here are good, and the food is also delicious. Let's try them all," she suggested.

"Okay, I will follow your arrangement. Now I will let my daughter-in-law dictate. I will do whatever you want me to do. I will obey you." He hugged her tightly and said with a doting expression on his face.

Originally, Li Qiaomu wanted to open another room, but when Li Dongsheng heard about it, he hurriedly said no, saying that his room was big enough for a few children to live with him.

This night, the young couple who had been separated for so many days finally reunited, and of course lived another newly married life.

The next day, when Li Qiaomu woke up, he found that the man beside him was also asleep.

Looking at the handsome man sleeping soundly in front of him, Li Qiaomu propped up half of his face with his hands curiously, admiring the sleeping posture of the man in front of him.

His eyebrows looked heroic, his nose was straight, and his facial features seemed to be carved by the best artist, handsome and perfect.

Looking at his perfect face, Li Qiaomu couldn't help stretching out his hand and began to slowly touch his nose, and touched his lips after a while.

Suddenly, an accident happened, and the tightly closed sexy lips suddenly opened, and gently bit her finger into it.

Li Qiaomu screamed in fright, and when he came to his senses, he realized that the man who was sleeping with his eyes closed just now had opened his eyes, and was still looking at her with a smile on his face.

"Scared me to death, why didn't you say a word when you woke up, and quickly spit out my hand." Seeing that he had been biting her finger gently, Li Qiaomu shyly stretched out his hand and patted his. arm.

(End of this chapter)

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