Chapter 643 They Are Blind

Seeing that she gave up just like that, Shen Fang was more anxious than she and continued to persuade, "Don't, Comrade Li, you don't plan to give up just like this, do you?"

Li Qiaomu smiled, "Comrade Shen misunderstood, I'm not giving up, I just don't care."

Shen Fang wanted to say something more, but she interrupted him as soon as he reached his mouth.

"That's it, but I still want to thank Comrade Shen. Without your recommendation, my Qingcai would not have come to where it is today. I'm just a little sorry for your kindness." She was embarrassed to enter road.

When Shen Fang heard this sentence of apology to him, he felt more and more sorry for Comrade Li in front of him.

Obviously they were called by themselves to participate in this bidding, but because of some old and stubborn ideas, they were not selected.

"Comrade Li, don't say that. It makes me feel more guilty. I'm sorry for you. But don't worry, it's their loss if they don't choose your ingredients. They regret it." Let's wait and see." When this matter was mentioned, Shen Fang said with an indignant face.

Li Qiaomu saw that he was even more angry than himself as the client, so he pursed his lips and smiled, and replied, "Okay, let's wait and see together."

Although the news is not very good, when Li Qiaomu returned to the hotel, he announced the matter to his family with a smile on his face, "Since we didn't choose the ingredients this time, let's think about when to go home plan of."

As soon as she said those words, the atmosphere immediately became quiet.

"Mom." Although Jian Meimei is young, she also knows how important this matter is to her mother.

Hearing the bad news at this time, she stepped forward with a sad face and hugged the mother who was smiling at them.

Li Qiaomu also hugged her to comfort her daughter. Although she was indeed a little sad after this incident happened, but seeing so many relatives around her by her side, Li Qiaomu suddenly felt that this incident seemed to be not true. It's bad, anyway, without this bidding, it's not like their vegetables can't be sold.

At most, it's just a lack of an opportunity to promote their own vegetables.

But she also knows a truth, the smell of wine is not afraid of deep alleys, her vegetables are so good, more bole will surely discover them.

"Are those people's eyes and mouths broken? Our vegetables are so good, they still can't choose them. It's really blind that they have a pair of eyes." Jian Qingyu scolded angrily.

Jian Haotian looked at his daughter-in-law worriedly, and raised his eyebrows slightly when he heard the scolding words of his second son, "Qingyu, don't scold people like that when you're young, it's a matter between adults, you kids live your own life Days will do."

Jian Qingyu was still afraid of her father, seeing her father suddenly talking to her so seriously, she didn't dare to say anything else.

Li Qiaomu looked at her family members who were worried about her, and said to them with a smile, "Okay, don't feel sorry for me. opened."

At this time, Li Dongsheng glanced at Jian Haotian, and then he began to curse, "What's the matter with those people, since they didn't like our family's green vegetables at the beginning, why did they choose us? It's just a mess."

(End of this chapter)

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