Chapter 649 Not So Stupid

When He Fenjin heard the girl's question, his face flushed with embarrassment, "The reason is that your ingredients are the best, and foreigners are willing to eat your ingredients."

After hearing this, Li Qiaomu's face was very calm, without a trace of complacency.

"So does Chef He mean to say that our family's ingredients are now re-selected by your state banquet?" She asked.

Seeing that the woman didn't look excited at all when she heard the news, He Chu couldn't help giving her a high look in his heart.

Ordinary people would probably go crazy with joy when encountering such a thing, but this lesbian was very calm, as if the matter he was talking about was a trivial matter.

"Yes, that's what you said, so Comrade Li, can you go to the headquarters of the state banquet with me, and we can immediately sign a cooperation agreement on the supply of ingredients. In addition, your vegetables will also get corresponding exposure Chance."

Li Qiaomu didn't agree immediately, but turned his head to look at Jian Haotian.

Jian Haotian, who was always by her side, saw his daughter-in-law looking towards him, and immediately understood what she wanted to say, so he told her, "No matter what you do, I will support you."

As soon as Li Qiaomu's heart warmed up, she knew that he was the one who supported her the most.

"Then if I go back, will it affect your vacation?" She asked worriedly. "

Jian Haotian smiled and told her, "No, there are no cases over there recently, even if I stay here for a few more days, there is no problem."

After getting his answer, Li Qiaomu let go of his worries and turned to He Fenjin who was waiting for her answer, "That's all right, just do as you say."

When He Fenjin heard her promise, his face lit up, and he couldn't wait to say, "Then how about we go over and answer the contract now?"

"So fast?" Li Qiaomu looked at him in surprise and asked.

He Fenjin secretly smiled in his heart, he wished he could go faster, who told him to treat fish eyes as pearls before.

"Hurry up, mainly because there are a lot of things going on over there." He explained with a smile.

Hearing what he said, Li Qiaomu didn't have any doubts, and soon the family refunded their tickets and went back to the hotel to stay again.

After putting down his things, Li Qiaomu got into He Fenjin's car and went to the state banquet headquarters.

When she came in this time, Li Qiaomu clearly felt that the big guy was polite to her.

"Chef Shen." When he walked in, Li Qiaomu saw Shen Fang approaching, so he stopped and greeted him.

When Shen Fang saw Li Qiaomu who came here, the corners of his mouth curled up in satisfaction, and then he swept towards He Fenjin.

When He Fenjin saw the gaze he was looking at, he immediately snorted heavily, then turned his head and said to Li Qiaomu, "Comrade Li, let's go this way, the contract has been drawn up, we just go over and sign it right away."

After the meeting just now, Li Qiaomu has already seen that the relationship between Shen Wen and this He Fenjin is not very good.

"Comrade Li, go and get busy with your business first. When you're done, you can come to my side to find me. You are welcome to come to my side at any time." Shen Fang said to her with a smile.

Seeing this, Li Qiaomu had no choice but to tell him with a smile, "Then I'll go over and have a chat with you when I'm done."

At this time, He Fenjin, who had already walked several steps, saw that Li Qiaomu hadn't followed, so he could only yell out, "Comrade Li, hurry up."

Seeing this, Li Qiaomu had no choice but to step up quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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