Chapter 652 It's My Loss
Li Qiaomu smiled, and brought over the contract in his hand, "It's really good, but the contract they gave before is not this one. We get this contract as compensation from them."

"They still have a conscience." Li Dongsheng said with satisfaction.

"Don't mess up what I just told you, just send it to this address tomorrow." After speaking, she tore off a piece of paper and quickly wrote down an address on it.

Li Dongsheng took it, and patted his chest with confidence, "Sister, don't worry, I will definitely satisfy you in what I do."

The next day, a batch of fresh vegetables was delivered to the state banquet headquarters on time.

When He Fenjin saw these green vegetables appearing in front of his eyes in time, he was so excited that he almost cried.

Even Li Dongsheng, who delivered the food, received his warm greeting this time.

After finishing this matter, the family really set foot on the train to go back to their hometown this time.

This time, with Jian Haotian and several children by his side, Li Qiaomu felt that the journey home this time seemed to be shortened a lot.

The family stayed on the train for two days and two nights, and finally arrived at the train station in front of their house on the morning of the third day.

Smelling the smell of his hometown, Li Qiaomu sniffed the air with a relaxed expression, "After being out for so long, I realized that the air of my hometown still smells good."

Jian Haotian heard her words, stepped forward and shook her hand.

After leaving the train station, the family went outside to have a hearty breakfast.

After breakfast, Jian Haotian went to the bureau to borrow a car and took his family back to Jian's Village.

When I got home, everyone in the family went out to work, and Ruo Da's house was quite quiet.

Li Qiaomu directed the two big and four little ones around him to start packing up the presents they brought back this time.

Looking at the busy family members, the corners of Li Qiaomu's mouth slowly curled up. This kind of atmosphere is what a family should have.

I really hope that days like this can stay forever.

These days in Beijing, everyone goes out to eat and play, but if you want to say what they miss the most, that one is the taste of home food.

Hearing the four children scrambling over which dishes to eat, Li Qiaomu smiled and chose four dishes for the four children. They were all favorites of the children in the family.

Li Qiaomu sent Li Dongsheng to the mountain to catch a chicken and a duck and kill them, planning to make beggar chicken and beer duck.

As for the man following him, Li Qiaomu didn't let him go, and said to him, "Since you are free, help me make some mud. I want to be a beggar's chicken."

Jian Haotian was naturally willing to do this, and immediately turned around and went outside the house to find a pile of soil suitable for roasting beggar chickens.

After Li Qiaomu finished his other tasks, he walked out of the yard and found a tall figure squatting in the yard playing with mud.

"Your mud is okay." She stepped forward to have a look, and said with a smile.

Hearing his daughter-in-law's praise, Jian Haotian immediately puffed up his chest and boasted, "Of course, as long as our group of people come out to perform missions, if conditions permit, we will make this food by ourselves, especially this called flower chicken I do it often, and the beggar chicken we cook is as good as the other.”

"Listen to you, if I don't entrust you with this task, it will not be my loss." Li Qiaomu laughed.

"How about this, let you roast today's beggar's chicken, and let me try your handicraft."

Jian Haotian fondled the top of her head, patted her chest and said, "No problem, daughter-in-law, you just wait to eat my beggar's dick."

(End of this chapter)

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