Chapter 654 The price is high

In the evening, Li Qiaoxin and others who were working outside also returned home.

Seeing the younger sister and brother-in-law come back, Li Qiaoxin was naturally very happy.

At the dinner table, Li Qiaoxin also curiously asked about the big city of Beijing.

Li Qiaomu reassembled what he said to the old lady and grandfather before and told the second sister and the others in front of him.

Of course, when she was talking, the children next to her occasionally interjected and filled in some things that Li Qiaomu forgot to say.

"I didn't expect that the capital city is so big. I really hope that I can go there to play when I have a chance in the future." Li Qiaoxin said with longing.

When Zhou Xiong heard his wife's words, he immediately assured her, "Daughter-in-law, I will definitely take you there in the future."

Hearing what his man said, Li Qiaoxin showed a gratified smile on his face, "Let's talk about this kind of thing later, now I just hope that our family can live a better and better life."

After the family happily finished dinner, Li Qiaomu directed Jian Haotian and several children to move out the presents they bought in Beijing.

What Li Qiaomu bought for the second sister was a woolen coat, and she also bought one for herself, which was regarded as a sister's outfit.

Li Qiaoxin held the woolen coat carefully, for fear that his hands would stain the fine clothes.

"Why did you buy me such a beautiful dress? It must be so thick and expensive."

Li Qiaomu picked it up with a smile and helped her put it on, "It's not expensive, this kind of clothes might be a bit more expensive here, but in Beijing, this kind of clothes are really not expensive."

"It's pretty." After speaking, Li Qiaomu looked at Zhou Xiong with a smile, "Second brother-in-law, do you think my sister looks good in this dress?"

Zhou Xiong almost stared dumbfounded. Hearing his sister-in-law's joke at this time, he recovered with a blushing face and stuttered a little, "It's beautiful, it's beautiful."

Hearing his stammering answer, Li Qiaoxin lowered her head shyly.

Next, Li Qiaomu took out a gift for Wen Leibo, which was a crutch.

"Wen Leibo, you don't need to use this crutch you made yourself, and replace it with mine."

She knew that the crutch Wen Leibo was using now was a crutch he cut from a tree fork. Not only was it not strong, but it was also a bit short.

Wen Leibo happily took the crutch, and kept saying, "Okay, okay, I'll change it when I go back."

In the end, it was for the two brothers and sisters of the Zhou family. Li Qiaomu, the aunt, picked out school supplies for them.

On the second day after his return, Li Qiaomu also started to get busy, talking on the phone with Ma Dongmei who was far away in Beijing once a day, and kept up with the speed of opening the factory there.

After confirming with Ma Dongmei that everything was ready, Li Qiaomu also began to arrange the main materials for making the cream.

The main material of this cream is something called beeswax. It just so happens that her side is surrounded by mountains, and this kind of beeswax can be found in the mountains.

Because of the large amount needed this time, Li Qiaomu sent a message to collect beeswax in the village.

The price she offered was high, and as soon as the villagers got the news, they hurried to the mountains with their tools to find beeswax.

In just one day, Li Qiaomu, who was waiting at home, received nearly one hundred catties of beeswax.

After the villagers received the money, they confirmed that they had really received the unwanted beeswax, so the next day, these people worked harder to find the beeswax.

(End of this chapter)

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