Chapter 656

Seeing that the two were about to quarrel over this matter, Li Qiaomu quickly stopped the atmosphere, "Everyone be quiet."

When she shouted, she saw that the person who was about to quarrel suddenly became quiet.

Li Qiaomu breathed a sigh of relief, and then continued, "You heard me right, what the village chief said is what I want to say, I really want to hire someone to help with the work, and the wages are ten yuan higher than ordinary migrant workers. "

As soon as she finished speaking, someone couldn't wait to recommend herself, "Daughter-in-law Haotian, let's see if I can do it, I'm sure I'll be very good at it."

Li Qiaomu looked at the person who raised his hand to speak. He was an old man in the village who she wanted to call uncle, and he was now in his 60s or [-]s.

Although she wanted to recruit, she didn't want to recruit someone so old, so she could only tell him with an apologetic face, "I'm sorry, Uncle San, I have qualifications for recruiting, at least I must be under 50 years old."

"What, there is still an age limit, are you looking down on me, an old man?"

Li Qiaomu continued with a smile on his face, "I didn't look down on it, but my job is a lot harder, and it's better for young people to do it better."

After finishing speaking, she didn't want to explain more to the third uncle, so she quickly picked out ten of them.

Although the ones that were not selected were not convinced, they didn't dare to say anything, so they had to leave here unwillingly.

The ten people selected were left behind and were arranged by Li Qiaomu for the next work.

Her side is busy in full swing, but the old Jian's side is covered with dark clouds, and there is a posture of dark clouds overwhelming the situation.

"Damn girl, you stay at your mother's house every day, and you will suck away the good luck of your mother's house."

In the room, Jian Xiang listened to the accusations and insults outside with a blank face, and stared outside with gloomy eyes.

At this moment, the door of the room she lived in was suddenly pushed open, and then a small figure walked in from outside.

Jian Xiang glanced at this little figure and recognized her good brother Jian Dabao.

"Sister, Mom boiled an egg for me, let's each have half of it." Jian Dabao came in holding an egg with a baby face.

Jian Xiang looked indifferently at his younger brother who walked in, "Give it to me."

Jian Dabao smiled happily, and handed the boiled egg to her obediently, "Sister, we are half of each other."

When Jian Xiang heard his words, he rolled his eyes speechlessly. After peeling the egg, he ate the boiled egg without saying a word.

Jian Dabao waited hopefully for his sister to share half an egg with him, but in the end, he waited for Laiti to watch his sister eat the whole egg into his stomach, leaving no crumbs for himself.

Jian Dabao immediately blushed with grievance, and complained angrily, "My sister is bad, my sister is bad."

Jian Xiang patted his arm in a bad mood, and cursed, "What are you talking about, brat, I'm your own sister, what's the matter if I eat an egg from you, and beat me, you are also a white-eyed wolf, in the future you Don't expect to get a penny from me."

Thinking of the previous life, because this younger brother was taught badly by his parents, not only was he ignorant, but when he grew up, he often caused trouble outside, and was finally sent to prison.

In her opinion, this brat is going to go to jail anyway, so why is he still eating so well at this time, isn't that a waste of this egg.

(End of this chapter)

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