"Stop arguing, what's the fuss, what's there to say, what I usually teach you, have you all forgotten?" Village Chief Jian came over and saw the situation, and immediately turned to several villagers A scolding meal.

The scolded villagers stood aside with resentment, and gave up the important position to the village chief who came over.

"What are you doing, why did you come to our village?" Village Chief Jian squinted his eyes at these strangers and asked.

A young woman at the beginning stood up and said to him with a smile, "You are the village head of this village. Hello, we are reporters from Taoyuan Newspaper. We received a report saying that your village has built a workshop to produce The fake facial cream has also harmed many people, is there such a thing?"

Village Chief Jian sneered at her when she heard this, "I don't know where you got this fake news, yes, there is indeed a workshop in our village, but we don't produce any fake face creams, Our face creams are all good, but they haven't done anyone any harm."

When the female reporter heard this, she smiled, ignored the indifference, and continued, "Really, but the news we got is not like what you said, if you can, can you let us in?" Do an interview."

Village Chief Jian did not answer her question, but turned his head and glanced at Li Qiaomu who was standing behind him without speaking.

The female reporter also had a wink, and she immediately noticed Village Chief Jian's action, and also realized that the person who can decide this matter may not be the village chief, but the young woman behind the village chief.

Soon, the female reporter turned her attention to Li Qiaomu and began to interview her, "Hi, who is this village, can you introduce me to us?"

I knew this would happen a long time ago. Seeing this female reporter focus on himself, Li Qiaomu treated him calmly, "Hi, my name is Li Qiaomu, and it's you who are just about to prepare The founder of the interviewed workshop, if you want to know anything about the workshop, you can ask me, I am the person who knows it best.”

When the female reporter and the two companions behind her heard her words, they suddenly felt that their mining workshop this time was really effortless. Before they entered the village, they were allowed to meet here. workshop owner.

A happy smile flashed across the faces of the three of them.

Li Qiaomu glanced blankly at the flashing smiles on their faces, twitched the corners of his mouth, and didn't say much.

After the three of them were happy, they immediately put all their attention on her and asked a lot of questions.

Li Qiaomu did not answer their questions in a hurry, but first made three chapters with them, "Guys, I know you are all reporters from the newspaper office. I can lead you to our workshop for interviews, but I hope you can write truthfully. , just don’t add oil and vinegar.”

When the three of them heard her words, their faces were a little ugly, and finally the female reporter said, "Comrade Li, don't worry, our newspaper office is all about seeking truth from facts, and we will never write a word carelessly."

Li Qiaomu didn't fully believe what they said, but said lightly, "I hope you can do what you say, let's go, I'll take you to my workshop to have a look."

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