Chapter 707

I don't know who gave up a seat here, which just gave him the opportunity to sit next to his wife.

Seeing him coming back at this time, Li Qiaomu thoughtfully picked up a chopstick dish for him, "Why are you coming back at this time, the bureau won't provide you with meals?"

Jian Haotian took a bite of the food, and then raised his head and said to her, "Daughter-in-law, eat quickly, after you finish eating and take a rest, you can come with me to the bureau."

As soon as he said this, the dinner table fell silent.

Li Qiaoxin asked anxiously, "What's the matter, why did my little girl go to the bureau?" At this point, Li Qiao was so impatient that she was about to cry, she grabbed Li Qiaomu's arm and asked the brother-in-law, "Could it be because of today's What’s in the newspaper, it’s not true, it’s people from the newspaper slandering my sister and brother-in-law, don’t you know about this matter, why don’t you want to catch Qiao Mu.”

As soon as she finished speaking, Jian Qingyu looked at Jian Haotian angrily, and said angrily, "Dad, if you dare to arrest my mother, I won't be polite to you. I, I will fight you hard."

Jian Qingfeng calmly glanced at the angry younger brother beside him, and finally said, "Don't talk nonsense, I don't think Dad meant that, he won't catch our mother."

When Jian Haotian heard this, he finally found someone on his side.

"Stinky boy, I usually tell you to study hard, but you don't. Look, when something happens, you just can't be as calm as your brother." Jian Haotian nodded his second son from the air and said.

Jian Qingyu snorted coldly at this time, "Anyway, if you dare to arrest my mother, I won't recognize you as my father."

When Jian Haotian heard the threatening words of his second son, he clenched his fists angrily and wanted to punch someone.

Li Qiaomu, who had been silent as the person involved, saw this and was amused by the father and son.

Jian Haotian heard the laughter, and looked at her with an aggrieved face, "Daughter-in-law, I found out that I raised this son for nothing."

Li Qiaomu smiled and glared at him, "What nonsense are you talking about? The child is still young. You are so old and you still care about him. Are you ashamed?"

"That's right, not ashamed." Seeing that she had her own mother as her backer, Jian Qingyu was not afraid of her father at all, stuck out her tongue at him, and twisted her body triumphantly.

Jian Haotian took a deep breath, and finally told himself in his heart that this son is his own, his own, and he can't argue with him.

At this time, Li Qiaomu turned his head and looked at him seriously and asked, "You just said that you asked me to go with you to your side, was it because of the content in today's newspaper? Have you figured out a solution?"

Jian Haotian quickly swallowed the unfinished meal in his mouth, and then he answered, "I plan to hold a press conference to send out the progress of our side, let these reporters know, and publish it in the newspaper to let everyone We all know this matter has nothing to do with you."

After listening to his words, Li Qiaomu thought for a while, and nodded in satisfaction, "Your method is quite good. Your investigation is clear, and he was caught?"

"There are still two bosses who haven't been caught, but they can't escape our palms. We have sent their photos to all the cities. Even if they hide in the cave, our people can see them." It was only a matter of time before they were found."

Li Qiaomu didn't ask any more after asking here, because she already knew everything she should know.

(End of this chapter)

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