Chapter 710 Perfect solution
Hearing the joy of Ma Dongmei on the other end of the phone, the smile on the corner of Li Qiaomu's mouth slowly turned up, "That's really a good thing, I didn't expect this crisis to give us such a big opportunity, look Come on, we have to thank the person behind who wants to harm us."

When Ma Dongmei heard it, she smiled and said, "No, I really want to thank that guy, but unfortunately I don't know who it is, otherwise, I would like to send a basin of water to her head."

The two chatted on the other end of the phone for half an hour before ending the call.

Just as she put down the phone, Jiang Qin also came to look for her from the workshop.

"What kind of wind brought you here today, sit down quickly." Li Qiaomu greeted her enthusiastically to sit down in the yard.

Jiang Qin smiled a little shyly, and after sitting down, she didn't say much extra, and immediately told her about her coming here.

"Boss, do you think how to solve this matter?" After Jiang Qin finished speaking, she looked at her calmly and asked.

Li Qiaomu couldn't stop the smile on Li Qiaomu's face at this time. He didn't expect that apart from the good news from the capital city, there was also a phone call from a partner in this workshop.

"What do you think? If we agree to those partners, can our workshop produce it on time?" Li Qiaomu suppressed his joy and returned to reality.

Jiang Qin pursed her lips and thought for a while before opening her mouth, "Boss, let me tell you the truth, if we really take orders from these partners, the production volume of our workshop may not be able to keep up. Our current production volume is mainly supplied to Beijing City, if there are a few more supply channels suddenly, the workers will not be able to bear such a large order volume."

After hearing her words, Li Qiaomu didn't say anything, but was also thinking about what she just said.

In fact, the problems Jiang Qin mentioned were exactly what she was worried about.

But she was unwilling to give up this rare opportunity to make money.

After all, she doesn't open this workshop for charity, she also intends to make money.

"The problems you mentioned do exist. If we expand the workshop and recruit more workers, what do you think?"

Jiang Qin was silent for a while, "I think it's okay. If we expand the workshop, the order volume can be supplied."

Seeing that she wanted to go with him, Li Qiaomu was overjoyed, slapped his thigh and said, "Then it's settled, let's expand the workshop."

"Next time if those partners call again, you should agree to them first, but you have to tell them the delivery time, it will take a little time to expand and recruit people, just watch it yourself .”

Jiang Qin nodded, "I understand."

After seeing off Jiang Qin, Li Qiaomu sat in the yard with a contented expression on his face.

At the same time, on the Qin family's side, after Jian Xiang answered a call, he hung up the phone with an angry face.

At this time, she couldn't help sitting on the sofa with an angry expression on her face. Because she was so angry, her growing belly was constantly moving.

At this moment, the door opened, and Qin Gang's figure walked in from outside.

"Dad." Seeing the person walking in, Jian Xiang hurriedly cleaned up the anger on his face, stood up like a good daughter-in-law, and then respectfully shouted at Qin Gang who came in.

(End of this chapter)

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