The Age of Rebirth: The Veteran Rough Man Carried His Hot Wife Home

Chapter 713 Don't Be Afraid, I'm Here

Chapter 713 Don't Be Afraid, I'm Here
After finishing speaking, still feeling unrelieved, she raised her foot and stepped on his toes vigorously, until the man in front of her stepped on him and made a painful moan before moving her foot.

"Stop messing around, I have something to ask you, what's going on with you today, I don't think you're very happy to come back today, should you speak out on your own initiative, or should I tell it for you."

When Jian Haotian heard this, he immediately wiped his face with his hands, "Is it so obvious that I'm in a bad mood?" Speaking of which, he came to his senses, looked up at her with a look of surprise, "Daughter-in-law, you know Why am I bothered?"

Li Qiaomu nodded seriously, "Zhou Shuheng told me something, but I still want to hear you talk about it with my own ears."

Jian Haotian looked at the confidant daughter-in-law in front of him, his heart warmed up, and he took her into his arms and hugged her, "Something happened, I received a call before I got off work, it was from the team, then I would like to invite you to teach them how to grow vegetables."

Li Qiaomu, who was buried in his arms, immediately withdrew from his arms in shock when he heard his words, "Please let me teach them how to grow vegetables?"

"Well, it seems that it is far away from here. It is more difficult to pick vegetables from here, so that side decided to let the teammates over there eat the same vegetables as ours, and I would like to invite you to go there Teach planting."

After hearing this, Li Qiaomu became flustered in his heart.

The reason why the green vegetables in her hands are delicious and nutritious is inseparable from the spiritual spring in her body. She can also use the spiritual spring to water the green vegetables in a deceptive way by her side, but if she goes outside, she will If there is no way to use the spiritual spring to water it every day, then this secret will definitely be discovered soon.

"Where am I, this is not good, you can help me to refuse over there." Li Qiaomu pulled him and said without thinking.

Jian Haotian looked at the anxious daughter-in-law, and the suspicion in his heart became more solid. It seemed that the daughter-in-law really had secrets that he didn't know about.

"Don't worry, I happen to have the same idea. When they call next time, I will think of a safer reason to help you refuse their request."

As far as he knows, the people over there seem to have studied the vegetables grown by his wife, and they really made a major discovery, that is, the vegetables shipped out by his wife are rich in the elements they humans need. Moreover, this vegetable also contains the nutrients that they need most when they are training in the team.

Therefore, the reasons for this refusal must be fully thought out.

"Then let me think about it." She couldn't give such a convincing reason, so she could only calm down and think of a safe way to solve this matter.

Jian Haotian gently held her trembling hand. Although he also wanted to know what the secret of his wife was, he would not press for it. He would wait until his wife was willing to tell him about it.

"Don't be afraid, I'm here. If you really don't want to go over there to teach how to plant, no one can force you to do things you don't want to do." Go in, he is also willing.

Of course, he wouldn't tell his daughter-in-law these words, because as long as he knew about this kind of thing, there was no need for another person to worry about it with him.

(End of this chapter)

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