Chapter 715 What is pua
Upon receiving this good news, Li Qiaomu was so excited that she almost jumped up. If the method she thought of could be done, then the secret of her spiritual spring would not be discovered, and she would not be afraid of being taken as a research object. The mysterious base has been researched.

Thinking of the precious things that will come over at night.Li Qiaomu stayed at home all day today cleaning a room.

Even the family members were wondering why she valued the room she was playing this time so much.

Li Qiaomu looked at the family members who looked at him with curious eyes, just showed them a mysterious smile, and told them, "Is this a secret for the time being, but you can know about it at night." What are you going to do with this room?"

The family members saw that she refused to tell, although they were a little regretful, but they would know it when they thought about it at night, and this regret soon disappeared.

Soon at night, Li Qiaomu looked forward to the stars and the moon, and finally saw the figure of Jian Haotian returning home.

A car followed behind him.

As soon as the car stopped, the person in the driver's seat jumped out first. It was none other than Zhou Shuheng who came last night.

"Sister-in-law, I'm coming to your house for dinner again." Zhou Shuheng shouted standing in front of the car with a smile on his face.

Li Qiaomu had long regarded Jian Haotian's colleagues as his friends, and when he saw him coming, he naturally welcomed him, "Welcome, come in quickly."

"Wait a minute, sister-in-law, I'll help move something." Zhou Shuheng immediately ran to the back of the car and began to move things.

When he moved the things out, Li Qiaomu finally saw why, it was exactly what she had been looking forward to all day.

When she was about to go over to help, Jian Haotian who was walking over suddenly grabbed her arm.

"No need for help, he can move it." A magnetic voice drifted into her ears.

Li Qiaomu was very embarrassed to see a guest who came to our house to help him move things, "This is not good, Comrade Zhou is a guest who came to our house, how can I ask him to help move things."

Her words just happened to be heard by Zhou Shuheng who was carrying the things. At this time, he was still a little unhappy, so he stopped and said to her, "Sister-in-law, you are too polite to me, but I put you As a sister-in-law, what if I do something for you, I am happy, if you don't want me to help, I will not dare to come to your place for dinner in the future. "

After finishing speaking, he hummed softly, and carried the big cardboard box in his hand into Xin Jian's house.

Li Qiaomu didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

At this time, Jian Haotian laughed and whispered in her ear, "Now you know why I stopped you from helping you."

Li Qiaomu looked at the figure who went in sympathetically, and muttered, "I don't know how long this child has been pussy by you, but he actually listens to you like this."

"pua? What does that mean?" Jian Haotian asked with a puzzled brow.

Li Qiaomu quickly changed a topic with a smile, "Let's not talk about that, let's go in quickly and look at the utensils I want. I have been looking forward to it all day, and finally I can see their true colors. A little impatient."

Jian Haotian saw that his daughter-in-law didn't want to explain more about this word, although he was very curious about the meaning, he still endured it, and finally followed his wife into the house.

The young couple walked into the yard, and Zhou Shuheng was standing there carrying the big cardboard box, "Sister-in-law, where should I put this thing?"

(End of this chapter)

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