Chapter 734 Who Played House

Today is the day of the weekly meeting of the high-level executives here. The conference room, which is usually quite quiet, is a bit lively today.

"Old Jiang, are you sure that the expert you invited back can really help us grow vegetables? I don't think you have been deceived. Look at what he has done recently. It's like playing house, not at all like He looks like an expert." In the conference room, a middle-aged man expressed doubts about the things he saw recently.

Jiang Xinxu glanced at the other party expressionlessly, and then said, "I said, Lao Hong, if you doubt the expert I invited back, fine, you can invite an expert back yourself, I want to see what you invited back What do experts do."

Lao Hong, who had been taught a lesson, was immediately unconvinced when he heard his words of instructing others. He had the same position as Lao Jiang, so why should he be disciplined by Lao Jiang like his grandson, and in front of the leadership team of the whole district? Many people talk about themselves like this.

"Old Jiang, what do you mean by this? Are you insulting me? If I want to have this ability, I have already invited some experts to our side to help. It's your turn. "Old Hong said angrily.

Jiang Xinxu cast a serious look at him, "Since you don't have the ability, please keep your mouth shut. I believe that the expert I invited back, even if he really didn't help us with this. , They also came here from all the way to help us, just based on this, we should trust them, instead of questioning what they do here."

As soon as he finished his sentence, everyone in the meeting room dared not say anything, especially Hong Xincheng just lowered his head.

What happened at the meeting quickly reached Li Qiaomu's ears.

She found out about it from Zhang Feng, who was sent by Jiang Xinxu to help her. Zhang Feng also accidentally slipped his mouth.

Seeing himself telling what happened in the meeting room, Zhang Feng hastily slapped himself.

Immediately afterwards, he begged Li Qiaomu, "Sister Li, you must not tell us Jiang Tuan that I told you this matter, otherwise, our Jiang Tuan will definitely not let me go."

Seeing his nervousness, Li Qiaomu agreed, "Okay, I promise you, I won't tell Jiang Tuan that you told me about this."

Jian Haotian had a serious face at this time. These days, when his wife was doing things, he was always by her side. No one knew better than him what his wife was doing.

As a result, in the eyes of the people here, what his daughter-in-law did was playing tricks, okay, great, great, even if his wife was willing to bear it, he couldn't bear it.

Li Qiaomu doesn't care what people here think of her, anyway, she doesn't care what those people think, she likes to slap them with the truth.

At this time, Zhang Feng noticed that Sister Li's complexion was normal, but the complexion of Comrade Jian next to Sister Li was not very good, as if she was about to find someone to fight at any time.

So Zhang Feng chose to stand closer to Li Qiaomu, "Sister Li, what are we going to do today?"

Li Qiaomu pointed to the water that had been adjusted and said, "We'll use that water to irrigate the field today, as usual, just make them wet."

Zhang Feng just nodded, before he stepped out, he suddenly thought of something, and stayed where he was, with his mouth slightly opened, as if he wanted to ask something.

(End of this chapter)

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