Chapter 755

When Mrs. Li and Mrs. Li heard her words, their faces paled in shock.

The reason why the things in the hands of the two of them are so profitable is because of the support of this little girl. If the little girl really doesn't care about them now, then the lobsters and fruits in their hands will really become a pile. Something no one wants anymore.

"Little sister, please don't, if you have something to say, we can't talk about it, why do you have to make things go to this point, don't you think so?" Second Aunt Li stepped forward and pulled her arm to please her.

Li Qiaomu glanced at the two of them, snorted coldly and said, "If you want to talk about it, that's fine, you can handle your affairs privately, don't argue in front of my parents, whoever wins me Never mind."

Sister-in-law Li and Second-sister-in-law looked at each other at this moment, with embarrassed expressions on both of their faces.

At this time, Big Brother Li and Second Brother Li stood up.

"Little sister, what you said is right, what we did was indeed wrong." Brother Li said guiltily.

"Little sister, I made you worry. We will watch and deal with the elder sister-in-law and your second sister-in-law. We will never let what happened today happen again." Second brother Li also expressed his position at this time.

Li Qiaomu took a look at the two of them. She used to think that these two brothers were reliable, but now, she wanted to withdraw her previous thoughts.

These two men are not very good at critical times.

Now that Li's father and Li's mother have returned because of the return of their youngest daughter, they suddenly feel confident.

"Dad, Mom, let's go in and talk." Li Qiaomu took Li's mother with one arm and Li's father with the other, and dragged them into the house.

As soon as she entered the house, Mother Li happily took out the delicious food she had hidden.

"Eat, this is specially reserved for you by Mom." Mother Li took a handful and stuffed it into the hand of the little daughter.

Li Qiaomu looked at what his mother stuffed into his hand. It was a pack of biscuits, and he didn't know who gave it to him, because it had been stored for a long time, and the biscuits were a bit soft when held.

"Mom, next time someone brings you food, you eat it yourself, don't keep it for us, take a look, because you have left it for a long time, the biscuits are not tasty anymore." Li Qiaomu He took her hand and exhorted.

When Mother Li heard that she couldn't eat it, she anxiously picked it up and looked at it, and she found that the biscuit was too soft, as if it was a little damp.

"Didn't I think that the two of you sisters would come back sometime, so I wanted to give you a taste." Mother Li said while touching the bag of biscuits distressedly.

Li Qiaomu's heart warmed, and he felt pity for the hearts of parents in the world. In the hearts of parents, they wanted to leave anything delicious to their children.

Seeing that her mother was not in a good mood because of this incident, she planned to coax the old couple with good news.

"Dad, Mom, you don't know yet, my little brother is dating!"

When Li's father and Li's mother heard the good news, they immediately looked towards her.

"Really!" Mother Li asked excitedly.

Li Qiaomu nodded with a smile, "I can still lie to you about this matter, it's absolutely true, this kid must not have told you about this matter."

"No, if I hadn't heard from you, neither your father nor I would have known about this." Mother Li smiled happily.

"I guessed it would happen. This kid didn't tell me or my second sister. If I hadn't had sharp eyes, I wouldn't have discovered it."

Mother Li stood up excitedly at this time, "No, I have to ask this brat about this personally, and I will go back with you later."

(End of this chapter)

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