Chapter 769

"I had the chance to taste it once when I was young. It's a sweet thing, but it's a pity that it's only once. I've never had the chance to taste it again." Wen Leibo looked at the melon with nostalgia and said.

"Isn't there a chance now? No, there will be opportunities in the future. My friend from Xinjiang Province sent me a pack of these seeds. When the time comes, I will plant it in our vegetable field. When it bears fruit, we will grow it every day. Eat it." Li Qiaomu looked at the old man and said.

"That's right, little girl, I don't think I've seen this thing before. If it is planted and sold, it will definitely sell for a lot of money." Li Qiaoxin said excitedly.

Li Qiaomu looked at the second sister who was about to get into the eyes of money, and joked with a smile, "Second sister, I found that you seem to be getting into the eyes of money more than me."

Li Qiaoxin smiled generously at the little sister's words of teasing herself, "Now that life is getting better and better, I know that money is not possible, but it is absolutely impossible to have no money."

After dinner, Jian Haotian took two melons and cut them up. Li Qiaomu tasted them and found that although the conditions in this Xinjiang province were not very good, the fruits produced were really good.

This kind of melon won the favor not only of her, but also of the rest of the family.

Time continued to pass quietly, and in the blink of an eye, the three children in the family were about to enter junior high school.

The small workshop around me has also turned into a large factory because of its good business in the past few years.

The number of workers has also changed from dozens to hundreds now.

It is precisely because of this factory that the current Jianjia Village is already a very different Jianjia Village.

In the past, there were mainly thatched houses, and there were not many tile-roofed houses, but now, the villagers directly skipped the tile-roofed houses, and many people have built buildings.

Because of this change, the newspaper office in the provincial capital even specially sent reporters to cover it. For a while, their Jianjia Village became a regular visitor to the provincial capital newspaper, which really became popular.

Just as the sun was setting, the bells of three bicycles rang at the door of Xinjian's house.

"I'm the fastest, and you lost to me again." Jian Qingyu shouted excitedly after a while.

"Second brother, you are too good at playing tricks. You were obviously the last one, but you lied to me and told my eldest brother that there was money on the ground, which made us turn around and go back to pick it up. That's why you picked up the first place. It's too much to win." Jian Meimei pouted her cute little lips and reasoned with the shameless second brother in front of her.

Jian Qingyu ignored Xiaoshu's dissatisfaction, anyway, he won if he won.

"Admit the bet and admit defeat, what's the matter, are you guys refusing to admit defeat?" Jian Qingyu raised her chin and asked them.

"Of course I admit defeat, here it is." Jian Qingfeng threw a dollar over.

Jian Qingyu picked it up excitedly, then looked at Jian Meimei, "Little sister, what about you?"

Jian Meimei was not convinced, but seeing that her elder brother had already given it to her, she had no choice but to give one yuan too.

"I won't play with you next time, you are unreasonable." Jian Meimei picked up her schoolbag angrily, and ran in first by herself.

Jian Qingyu smiled and didn't call her.

Just as he was happily counting the money, he suddenly heard a cold swishing sound clearly in his ears, which really shocked him.

"Why do you want so much money? Are you doing something shameful?" Jian Qingfeng narrowed his eyes and looked at the younger brother.

(End of this chapter)

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