Chapter 771 Do you really want to fight?

As a result, so many things happened to the three children, and she didn't know anything about being a mother. Thinking about it, she felt that she was too incompetent as a mother.

"It's all my fault. If I hadn't been busy with the affairs of the factory, and I hadn't kept you three brothers and sisters in prison, these things wouldn't have happened." She blamed herself.

The two brothers and sisters saw their mother's eyes were red with self-blame, and the two brothers and sisters immediately became nervous, and they walked to her side to comfort her at the same time.

"Mom, don't blame yourself. This matter has nothing to do with you. You are working so hard for our own good. We all understand, and we have never blamed you." Jian Qingfeng comforted her by holding her hand.

"That's right, mom, you've always been a good mom in our hearts, this time it's the second brother who did something wrong, when he comes back, we'll stand with you and teach him a good lesson." Jian Meimei hugged her gently.

Li Qiaomu sucked his sore nose, looked at the two sensible children, and felt even more guilty in his heart.

She hugged the two siblings in her arms, "Thank you for being so considerate, mom. When I get the second child back this time, mom will definitely change."

After the mother and son hugged for a while, Li Qiaomu hurried to the house to make a phone call.

Half an hour after she finished making the phone call, Jian Haotian came back on his bicycle, and Jian Qingyu, who was worrying, came back.

At home, Li Qiaomu, who was so anxious that he was about to cry, saw his second son come back, so he didn't care about anything. He hurried over and hit him on the arm a few times, cursing loudly, "You brat, run away!" Where have you been, and you don’t know how to go home after school, you are trying to make me worry to death, aren’t you?”

Jian Qingyu stood where she was, not daring to move, and let her beat her. From time to time, she even looked at Jian Haotian, who had an uneasy face.

After hitting him several times, Li Qiaomu saw that the son didn't resist, didn't run away, and just stood here obediently and let her hit him. This abnormality made her stop her movements, and stared at him suspiciously.

It's just that this son kept his head down, so that she couldn't see what kind of medicine he was selling in his gourd.

So in the end, she turned her questioning gaze to Jian Haotian's side and asked, "What's the matter with him, did he take any wrong medicine today, and he didn't run away when I beat him?"

Jian Haotian glanced at the son with his head hanging down, snorted coldly, and said with a hint of meaning, "Of course he doesn't dare to run away. If he dares to run away, his little life will be lost."

Li Qiaomu frowned suddenly, stared at him seriously and asked, "What's going on, and where did you find this brat?"

"Where else can it be? In a game hall, this stinky boy is actually playing gambling games with people there. The betting is quite big." Jian Haotian sneered.

When Li Qiaomu heard that he started gambling at such a young age, he took a deep breath of anger, but finally couldn't swallow the anger, turned around and shouted to the eldest son standing behind him, "Xiaofeng, go and get the one I usually use. Bring me that stick."

As soon as she finished speaking, the three brothers and sisters couldn't help shaking.

"Mom, do you really want to bring it?" Jian Qingfeng asked with a peek at the second child.

Li Qiaomu looked at the second child who still didn't say a word, and laughed again, "Take it, why don't you take it, no one is afraid of me beating it, so hurry up and bring it to me."

"What's the matter, my mother can't help you anymore, can I? If you don't take it, I will go get it myself." After finishing speaking, she was about to turn around.

(End of this chapter)

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