Chapter 783
Li Qiaomu's whole body was aroused by the breath he blew in her ears, and half of her body leaned against him as if she had no strength, "It's what you say."

Jian Haotian smiled softly, and suddenly hugged her.

Li Qiaomu wrapped his arms tightly around his neck in fright, and looked in the direction of the door shyly.

"Don't be afraid, I've closed the door, people outside can't see what we're doing." He continued to lower his head and whisper in her ear.

Li Qiaomu blushed even more, raised his hand to pat his body twice, and warned, "This is where you work, you can't mess with me, do you hear me?"

As soon as the voice fell, the next second, she heard his muffled laughter above her head.

Li Qiaomu blushed when he saw the teasing smile on his face, this time he hit his arm twice angrily, "Don't laugh, if you laugh again, I'll go back."

Jian Haotian snorted, but he didn't let go of the hand holding her.

"Okay, I won't laugh anymore, baby, let me hug you." He bowed his head and kissed her forehead.

Li Qiaomu snorted, looked at him arrogantly and said, "You think beautifully, let me ask you, were you laughing at me just now?"

Jian Haotian looked at his daughter-in-law who was going to settle accounts with him, and immediately denied it cleverly, "No, absolutely not."

"Come on, I don't know you yet, you must be laughing at me when you laughed just now."

Jian Haotian saw her delicate appearance, and the smile on Jun's face never stopped.

The young couple hugged for a while in the office before letting go of each other.

"Why didn't you say you were coming here? I would have picked you up when I was going to work." He came over with a cup of tea.

Li Qiaomu took the tea in his hand, took a sip, and then told him what he did not long ago.

"Before I wondered if we were thinking too much, but after seeing him and listening to what he said to those people, I can now be sure that this Wang Fa must have been instigated by someone to deliberately approach our house Light rain."

Jian Haotian frowned and listened to her, "Why did you go to him alone?"

When Li Qiaomu heard his tone, he seemed a little angry, "What's wrong, I can't find him yet?"

As soon as Jian Haotian heard her aggressive tone, he knew that she had misunderstood himself, so he explained to her, "Don't be angry, I'm not hurting you, I'm worried about you, tell me about you, how can you be alone Go find him, what if something happens here, if you want to find him, you can call me, and I can accompany you to find him."

After listening to his explanation, Li Qiaomu's angry pretty face calmed down a bit, "You don't have to worry about this. When I was looking for him, there were many people around him. If he dares to mess around, you still have yours." People are not vegetarians, are they?"

Seeing that she said these words as if she had thought about everything, Jian Haotian gently held her hand, "That's not the case, this Wang Fa is hanging around outside, who does he know? We don't even know what kind of person he is, if you go to him rashly now, there is no guarantee that he will jump over the wall in a hurry and do something to hurt you."

After hearing what he said, Li Qiaomu also understood in his heart that he was so fierce to him just now because he was worried about him. Thinking that he was still angry with him because of this incident just now, he felt a little guilty about him.

(End of this chapter)

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