Chapter 785
"Today's work has been completed, there is nothing important for now, so I can be lazy." After finishing speaking, he also packed up the documents in his hand, came over and took her hand and walked out of the office.

It was already 10 minutes later when the young couple rode a bicycle to the school gate.

When the two arrived at the school, it was not time for school to end, and the weather was still very hot at this time. After standing for a while, both of them felt a little hot.

"You wait for me here for a while, I'll be right back." After explaining this sentence, he immediately turned and ran to the school canteen.

Li Qiaomu glanced at the direction he was running to, shook his head and smiled, and quickly stopped paying attention to his side, but looked around to see if there was any suspicious person.

But the result was pretty good. There were only a few passers-by around, and the rest were people who set up stalls here to do business.

Soon, she stopped paying attention to these things, but looked at the man who was going to buy her something.

Jian Haotian bought two popsicles and ran over.

"Jie Jie Department." He handed over a popsicle.

Li Qiaomu took it with a smile, took a sip, and a coolness penetrated her hot body at this moment.

"Not to mention, it's really cool to take a bite of this ice cream at this time." She smiled and took another bite of the popsicle in her hand.

Seeing that the corners of her mouth were left a little while eating, Jian Haotian wiped the corners of her mouth with a doting expression.

Li Qiaomu's pretty face was blushed by his action, and he quickly avoided his outstretched hand, and told him charmingly, "Don't mess around, this is the gate of the school, what to do if people see it."

Seeing her guilty look, Jian Haotian smiled softly.

Just as the young couple were chatting with each other, the bell for the end of get out of class came from the school.

After a while, I saw a large group of students coming out of the school gate.

While eating the popsicles in their hands, the young couple looked up at the students who came out.

"How about it? Have you seen how many of them there are?" Li Qiaomu is only in charge of eating now, leaving the matter of looking at people to the man next to him, who told him to be tall.

Jian Haotian became the tallest of these parents without tiptoeing.

After a while, his gaze was fixed on five familiar figures.

When he looked over, because Zhou Xiaoxiong was the tallest of the five children, the first building found the young couple who came to pick them up.

"It's my uncle and aunt who came to pick us up." He shouted.

Following his shout, several children standing beside him also discovered the couple.

Immediately afterwards, the five people pushed each other and finally came to the couple.

"Dad, Mom, why are you here? Are you here to pick us up?" Jian Meimei asked happily.

Li Qiaomu touched the heads of the five of them, "I'm not here to pick you up, how are you happy?"

"Happy." The five shouted happily at the same time.

"Dad, Mom, why are you eating popsicles? Do you have any more?" Jian Qingyu swallowed, staring anxiously at the half-eaten popsicles in the hands of the couple.

Seeing his gluttonous appearance, Li Qiaomu immediately took out a dollar and handed it to Jian Qingfeng, "If you want to eat, buy it yourself."

When the children heard that there was something to eat, the five of them ran to the canteen not far away.

When they ran back, they already had a popsicle in their hands.

"On a hot day, you have to eat a popsicle to quench your thirst." Jian Qingyu licked the popsicle in her hand with a look of enjoyment.

(End of this chapter)

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