Chapter 787 Hasn't changed at all
Seeing that she had no intention of stopping, Mrs. Jian's face darkened with anger, and immediately pushed away the villagers surrounding her, and strode over to block the road.

Li Qiaomu was startled by her sudden rushing figure, and pulled on the brake in time, so that the bicycle did not touch anyone.

"What the hell are you trying to do? You want to blackmail people, don't you? Let me tell you, everyone here is watching. If my bicycle really hits your foot, you deserve it. You hit it yourself, but with I have nothing to do with it, and I won't take responsibility for it." After stopping the bicycle, Li Qiaomu scolded the old lady Jian who was standing in front of her with a dark face.

"That's right, Mrs. Jian, what you're doing is wrong, why don't you rush up and stop your Haotian's daughter-in-law." Enthusiastic villagers stood up to defend Li Qiaomu.

As soon as the first villager stood up, there was the second one, and then the second one stood up, "Mrs. Jian, we all saw it. It was you who stood up to stop your daughter-in-law's car. We can testify against her."

Mrs. Jian didn't expect that the villagers who were still around her just now turned towards the third family, and they were suddenly very angry.

"You guys, you fart, just now you surrounded me and asked me to give you things, but now you turn your face and deny people, you are really good." Old lady Jian pointed at them and cursed.

"One size counts. Although we really want this skin care product in your hand, we are not evil, and we naturally have to stand on the right side." A villager said rationally.

At this moment, Li Qiaomu realized that she was actually holding a bottle of skin care products in her hand.

At this time, Mrs. Jian also noticed that the third child found what she was holding in her hand, and suddenly she said with a smug expression on her face, "What are you looking at, if you don't give me your skin care products, someone will, see No, this was given to me by Xiaoxiang, not to mention, after applying the skin care products she sent, my old face is much smoother."

When she touched her face that was as long as old bark and smiled, it made the viewers feel a chill in their hearts.

Li Qiaomu stood close to her, seeing her like this, he almost vomited out his breakfast.

"Since it's so easy to use, then you can use it more and don't bother me." Pushing her away, Li Qiaomu continued to walk forward with the bicycle.

Jian Haotian had no expression on his face, and without looking at his mother standing next to him, he followed his wife and walked towards home.

The old lady Jian shouted at the back of their family with a look of indignation, "You family of white-eyed wolves, you don't feel sorry for me, an old woman, but some people love me for an old woman, but Xiao Xiang said, she will be filial to my grandma. "

Regarding the words behind him, Li Qiaomu completely regarded it as fart, and it was fine to smell it.

When they got home, several children complained in a low voice with a bit of a bad complexion.

"Mom, grandma has started to scold people again in the past year. She doesn't mind scolding, and she especially likes to say that our family is not filial to her in front of the villagers. People who don't know think that our family is really not filial to her. Why hasn't she changed at all after so many years." Speaking of this matter, Jian Qingyu was full of resentment.

As he grew older, he discovered that not all the grandmas in the village were like his grandma.

(End of this chapter)

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