Chapter 798 Still a director

The man who got the paper gritted his teeth, as if he had made some cruel decision, bit his lip hard, and threw the paper into the river with a distressed face.

This piece of paper slowly drifted down the river along the river.

It was too late for Li Qiaomu to speak out, so he could only watch helplessly as he threw such a beautiful novel into the river.

Seeing that he was about to continue throwing, Li Qiaomu finally couldn't help interrupting him, "I'm sorry, comrade, can I interrupt you?"

Yang Huai heard the woman next to him ask himself, out of politeness, he stopped this action, turned his head to her side, and asked politely, "Comrade, what do you want to ask?"

Li Qiaomu pointed to the papers in his hands that had not been thrown into the river and asked, "May I ask comrade if the paper you are holding is the script you wrote?"

Yang Huai didn't expect this woman to see that this was a script written by herself after just reading it for a while. A flash of excitement flashed in her eyes, and soon, for some unknown reason, this excitement cooled down again.

"It's a script, I wrote it myself, but it's not important now, what's the use of having a script that is not favored by others, it's better to let it float away with the river, so that I can see it for me A great view of rivers and mountains.”

Li Qiaomu looked at the gloomy look on his face, and could see that this man must have suffered some serious blows to have such a sad expression.

"I think the script you wrote, comrade, is very good-looking. I believe that in time, more discerning people will discover the script you wrote." She comforted.

But obviously, her words of consolation didn't seem to be good enough, and the sad expression on the man's face didn't seem to have been reduced much.

Seeing this, Li Qiaomu had no choice but to continue, "I don't know what the comrade's name is?"

Yang Huai glanced at her, smiled bitterly and announced his name, "Yang Huai."

Li Qiaomu's eyes widened immediately when he heard his name. The name sounded so familiar to her. After thinking about it for a while, she quickly figured out why this character sounded so familiar to her.

Isn't this the big director who helped Jian Xiang earn a lot of money in the novel?

In the novel, Yang Huai was a young screenwriter and director who was not favored by the entertainment industry before he became famous. The scripts he wrote were repeatedly rejected in the first few years. At that time, Yang Huai almost gave up the industry. Jian Xiang took a fancy to his script, and later his first film became a hit, helping Jian Xiang earn a lot of money, and even Jian Xiang was able to squeeze into the upper-class crowd later on. This Yang Huai.

After reviewing the life of Yang Huai in the novel, Li Qiaomu looked at this now, probably at the time when he was underappreciated.

After declaring his name, Yang Huai continued to throw his manuscript into the river, talking about his sulking, "Maybe I am really not suitable for this job, they are right, I am From the looks of it, he is incompetent, so why suffer this crime in this industry."

Li Qiaomu came back to his senses, looked at him in despair, and suddenly asked him, "Do you want to shoot this script in your hand?"

She quickly remembered why she was attracted by a plot in this script. It turned out that this script was the movie that made Jian Xiang in the novel earn a lot of money.

(End of this chapter)

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