Second Sister-in-law Jian rolled her eyes upwards when she heard her words, "How is it possible, your second brother and I are not big idiots, just relying on the kind of boss, even if our money is rotten, we will It won't be given to him."

Hearing her resolute words, Li Qiaomu was finally relieved. It seemed that the couple had become much smarter after all these years of beatings.

Soon, she wondered what reason this big brother Jian used to trick the two of them into investing.

"Second sister-in-law, did he say what he wants you to invest in?" She asked gossipingly.

The second sister-in-law Jian immediately sat up straight and told all the things she knew in detail.

"Third brother and sister, do you think what he said is true? The project he said can really make a lot of money? He said that he invested [-] yuan, and he can get [-] yuan back in one year. He also said that he can get dividends every year in the future. , this thing is too good, don't you think.

"Speaking of which, Second Sister-in-law Jian is honest, when she heard Boss Jian's words, her heart was indeed moved for a moment.

But when she finally thought of the unreliable character of this big brother Jian, she immediately suppressed her heart.

"Second sister-in-law, you don't think that people like him can make a fortune until now, you look at what he has done these years, which ones are done by people, if you really spend all the money in your family If you leave it to him, it will be miserable for you, and you will never return."

When Second Aunt Jian heard this, she became more determined not to borrow money, "Fortunately, I didn't borrow money. I thought that people like him were always unreliable, so I didn't ask your second brother to borrow money from the family."

In fact, Li Qiaomu knew it when he heard this. The investment project Brother Jian mentioned is like a pyramid scheme in later generations. This investment is a trap, and it must be a loss in the end.

The two sisters-in-law chatted for a long time, and then the second sister-in-law Jian returned home with her three children.

After parting from Mrs. Jian's second wife, Li Qiaomu thought about the dinner at night, so he went to the vegetable shop and asked Alai to help deliver a basket of vegetables home later.

After finishing the order here, she turned around and went to the villa, and asked the person in charge of the villa to also send three chickens, a sheep and some fruits to the family.

After ordering the ingredients needed for the evening, Li Qiaomu slowly returned to Xin Jian's house. '

When she just returned to the door of the house, she saw a familiar figure standing in front of the house. When she got closer, she found that it was old man Jane standing in front of the house.

"Dad, why are you here?" Although he didn't have a good relationship with these two old people, Li Qiaomu would still call them when he should.

The old man Jian turned his head and saw the daughter-in-law who came back, with an embarrassing expression on his face, and shouted, "The third son's family is back, I'm here to find the third son, is he back?"

Li Qiaomu replied, "He hasn't come back yet, Dad, or if you come in first, he will probably be home in another hour."

Old man Jian doesn't have the face to go in now. Thinking of the things he and his wife did a few years ago, he feels his face burning hot.

He was really ashamed to see the grandsons and granddaughters inside.

"No, no, I'll come back later, you go to your business." After saying this, the old man Jane dragged the old lady's back, turned and walked in the direction of old Jane's house.

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