Chapter 81

During the time when the three were young, because of the good atmosphere at home, and because Li Qiaomu had been cultivating relationships with the three of them, the relationship between the mother and the child has improved a lot.

When she asked this question, the first thing she got was the strong support of the three little guys.

"Someone will definitely buy it. The vegetables grown by my mother are the most delicious in the world. I like to eat the vegetables grown by my mother the most." Jian Qingyu raised her hands and shouted loudly.

Li Qiaomu was amused by his second son's fake compliments.

Not to be outdone, Jian Meimei jumped onto the chair and raised her hands to shout, "It's a big deal, it must be a big deal."

At this time, Li Qiaomu looked at the elder son who was not messing around with him, and asked him jokingly, "Qingfeng, what do you think?"

Jian Qingfeng blushed, nodded awkwardly, and whispered, "It's so delicious, someone will definitely buy it."

With such strong support from the three little guys, Li Qiaomu suddenly felt that his confidence had increased by a point.

Just as breakfast was about to end, Father Jian walked in suddenly.

The atmosphere at the dinner table dropped immediately.

Jian's father walked up to Jian Haotian, "Haotian, are you going to the city later? Can you take me there."

Jian Haotian looked at his specially dressed father and nodded, "Okay, but you have to wait for me."

"It's okay, I'm not in a hurry, take your time." Father Jian said hurriedly.

Jian Haotian nodded, and then ignored the father.

Seeing the relationship between the father and son, Jian's father felt a little uncomfortable.

Seeing that it was still early, Jian Haotian called three little guys over to help clean up and wash the dishes.

The three brothers and sisters were very obedient, one was more diligent than the other, and after Jian Haotian only helped out a little, the three brothers and sisters took over all the work.

After finishing these chores at home, Jian Haotian planned to go to work at the unit.

Before leaving, he went to the vegetable garden to find his wife who was sorting the vegetables again.

"Daughter-in-law, I'm going to work." He stood at the gate of the vegetable garden and shouted.

Li Qiaomu looked up at him, and said casually, "Got it."

After answering, he was about to lower his head and continue to work on the matter just now, when he suddenly found that the man in front of him showed no signs of leaving.

She couldn't help raising her head again, and looked at him puzzled, "Is there anything else?"

Jian Haotian stared at her with deep eyes, and said slowly, "You haven't told me to be careful on the road!"

"You said that to me last time I was at work," he added.

Seeing his insistence, Li Qiaomu didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and immediately said this sentence, "Then be careful on the road and come back early. I will wait for you at home with the children. This is fine."

"Well, yes, then I'm at work, so come over here." He said again with the corner of his mouth curved.

Li Qiaomu raised her eyebrows, "Why do you have so many troubles at work?" After saying these words, she still walked towards him.

Before she finished speaking, she suddenly saw him leaning forward, and the next second, her cheek seemed to be touched by something warm.

By the time she realized it, the man who had just kissed her had already walked away.

Li Qiaomu touched the cheek he had just been kissed with an angry and funny face, and slowly his cheeks were also stained with a layer of blush.

On the other side, after kissing his wife, Jian Haotian escaped with his heart beating wildly.

As a result, he fled halfway and was suddenly stopped by someone.

(End of this chapter)

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