Zhou Xing happened to see her watching seriously.

"This Mo Xiaobai didn't know what happened today. He was scolded by Director Yang several times. He always looked like he was absent-minded. When I played with him in the morning, he took the wrong lines several times, which almost made me ng It's gone." Zhou Xing whispered in Li Qiaomu's ear.

Li Qiaomu looked at it for a while and was about to look back, when suddenly, by coincidence, Mo Xiaobai caught her peeping gaze.

To be honest, at this moment, Li Qiaomu was really guilty, and hurriedly looked away.

"Miss Zhou, you are busy. I will come to talk to you about the endorsement at 04:30." After looking away, she seriously confirmed the matter with Zhou Xing.

Zhou Xing nodded, and finally prepared to ask the assistant beside her to send her away.

Li Qiaomu refused, "No need, this is my territory after all, I won't get lost, your assistant should follow you, see you this afternoon."

Soon, she came out of the farmhouse, and just a few steps away, Mo Xiaobai's voice sounded from behind her.

Hearing this voice, Li Qiaomu hissed, this guy is really haunted.

"Comrade Li stay." Seeing that she didn't stop, Mo Xiaobai quickened his pace and chased after her, blocking her way.

Li Qiaomu had to stop and look at him this time, "Is Mr. Mo still busy?"

Mo Xiaobai looked at her face that was very defensive towards him, and sneered, "Don't worry, I, Mo Xiaobai, have no intentions for you. I did so much before because of Jian Haotian, who called you Jian Haotian's wife."

Li Qiaomu immediately raised his eyebrows after hearing his words, "What do you mean?"

"Comrade Li, do you really understand your husband's affairs? Have you ever thought that he is not as perfect as you imagined, and he also makes mistakes that men would make."

Li Qiaomu became more confused the more he listened, and interrupted him impatiently, "Mo Xiaobai, just say what you have to say, there is no need to say something inexplicable in front of me."

Mo Xiaobai looked at her angry face and smiled, "It seems that you really don't know what your husband is doing outside, okay, then I will tell you directly, I have a sister, her name is Mo Xiao Nan, she was originally a girl who loved to dance and sing, but because she fell in love with a man, she ended up staying in a mental hospital because that man has turned into a ghost and a ghost."

"To your sister, I'm sorry, but what does this have to do with me?" Li Qiaomu asked.

Mo Xiaobai shouted, "Of course it has something to do with it, because it was your husband who made her look like this. If it wasn't for him, my sister wouldn't be like this now. He is the murderer." .”

Li Qiaomu said with a sullen face, "What evidence do you have to prove that your sister was killed by my husband? It is impossible for my husband to do such a thing. I believe him."

Hearing her words, Mo Xiaobai said sympathetically, "If you don't believe what I said, you can ask him Jian Haotian in person to see if he really knows a girl named Mo Xiaonan. .”

"Okay, I will ask personally." Li Qiaomu replied seriously.

After the two finished talking about this matter, they broke up unhappy and separated from here.

Knowing that Mo Xiaobai has been inquiring about his family's affairs, and now there is another girl named Mo Xiaonan, who is also related to Jian Haotian, Li Qiaomu did not immediately call Jian Haotian who works in the bureau to ask for confirmation .

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