Chapter 891 Too Enthusiastic
Seeing the returning general manager, the female secretary stopped him curiously, "Brother, what a good thing, it made you so happy all of a sudden."

Speaking of this, the female secretary suddenly walked up to him with a shocked expression, "Brother, you don't have any shameful things with that lesbian just now, don't you mess around, my sister-in-law will take care of you at home." Children and parents, you can't do things that are sorry for her."

When Manager Ruan heard what his cousin said, he immediately rolled his eyes at her, "What nonsense are you talking about? With your sister-in-law here, how dare I have the guts."

"It's best not to have such thoughts. If you dare to have any shameful thoughts, I will tell my sister-in-law and let my sister-in-law take care of you." The female secretary snorted softly.

Manager Ruan was so angry that he really wanted to raise his hand to hit someone, he pointed at her and said, "Sister Ruan, let me tell you who you are from, why are you turning your elbows all the way out, I am your real brother, please see clearly."

Ruan Xiaomei snorted softly, "I don't care, I can work here thanks to my sister-in-law, and I only obey my sister-in-law."

Manager Ruan's mouth almost crooked in anger, and finally he took a deep breath, and the corners of his mouth returned to normal.

"Okay, I won't talk to you about these things that you don't have. If you have time to get a contract for setting up a special counter, I will use it." Manager Ruan said.

Ruan Xiaomei glanced in the direction of going out, "Does it belong to the lesbian just now? Qiaomei skin care products really want to open a counter here?"

"That's not true. Our Tianling shopping mall is also the largest shopping mall here. If they choose our place, they have a sense of vision."

"Brother, you are wrong. We used to be the biggest shopping mall, but now we are the second. Since the opening of Qin's shopping mall, they have divided half of our traffic." Ruan Xiaomei blushed in front of her eyes. cousin.

When Manager Ruan heard her honest words, he hissed, and told himself in his heart, this is her cousin, so she can't hit her.

"Could you please stop arranging others' prestige and destroying our own ambition?" Manager Ruan said through gritted teeth.

Ruan Xiaomei shrugged her shoulders helplessly, "I'm just telling the truth."

"Okay, okay, stop talking, if you continue talking, I will be mad at you, just do as I say."

Ruan Xiaomei responded obediently, "Oh."

Downstairs in the department store, Li Qiaomu left in his car.

On the way back, she passed a newly opened large shopping mall, and the words Qin's Building were clearly hung on the high-rise buildings.

Looking at the four large characters above, Li Qiaomu's mouth slightly twitched, and then he stepped up the accelerator.

Ten minutes later, the car stopped at the gate of the police station.

When the colleagues in the bureau came out to work, they saw this familiar car and immediately knew who was sitting in it.

So when Li Qiaomu got out of the car, she immediately heard several calls for her sister-in-law.

Li Qiaomu also greeted them enthusiastically, and asked about Jian Haotian's whereabouts by the way.

"Juu Jian is working in the office, and he doesn't seem to come out. If Juu Jian knows that his sister-in-law is here, he will be very happy. Would you like me to call someone for you now?" A colleague asked enthusiastically.

Li Qiaomu stopped him immediately, "No need, you can do your work, I'll go find it myself."

(End of this chapter)

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