Chapter 893
Li Qiaomu pushed him away with a hot face, "Why, just talk well, what are you doing so close, don't forget, this is your office, if someone breaks in, it will be embarrassing But you."

Jian Haotian stared at her red face with deep eyes and said, "Don't worry, they all know that you are here with me, and there are only two of us here, they don't have the guts to come in and disturb us."

Li Qiaomu still didn't understand what he said, angrily and shyly picked up a pillow next to him and threw it at him, "Shut up, do you still want to take my car back? "

Jian Haotian looked at the daughter-in-law who was blushing from anger, pursed her lips and smiled, and finally compromised, "Okay, I'll shut up, I won't say anything, don't be angry."

"Go home." Li Qiaomu rolled his eyes at him, stood up first and left the office.

Jian Haotian looked at the back of his daughter-in-law leaving gracefully, quickly picked up the briefcase that was put aside, and shouted, "Daughter-in-law, don't go so fast, wait for me."

On the way back, Li Qiaomu sat in the passenger seat to write and write.

Jian Haotian, who was driving the car, took a little energy from time to time to take a peek at what his wife was busy with.

"Daughter-in-law, you really came to pick me up this time." He asked a little aggrieved.

Li Qiaomu was doing things with his head down, and when he heard his words, he responded without raising his head, "Well, didn't I tell you just now that I came to pick you up by the way, you just don't believe it, tell me But it doesn't matter."

"I thought you were lying to me, but I didn't expect it to be true." He shook his head and smiled.

After laughing, he took a quick look at the work she was busy with, "What are you doing? I saw you making these things as soon as I got in the car. What are you doing?"

Hearing his question, Li Qiaomu finally took his eyes away from the things in his hands, and said to him seriously, "Isn't this cosmetics already produced? Ling shopping mall, I plan to open a special counter there, I am busy with this right now."

"When will it open, and then I will let the people in my bureau go over and cheer you up." He said.

"Just for a few days, but you don't need to support me, because I don't need it." She looked confident.

When Jian Haotian heard her confident words, he squinted at her, his eyes were full of doting light.

When the young couple arrived home, they happened to run into the three children who had just returned home from school at the door.

The young couple got out of the car, and immediately received dissatisfied protests from the second son.

"Why are you two parents? You both went out, and you didn't know to look for our three brothers and sisters at school. Do you still have our three children in your eyes?" Jian Qingyu asked them angrily.

Jian Haotian smiled and raised his hand to tap his forehead gently, "What are you talking about, your mother and I are here to let the three of you have a good exercise."

"I think you're trying to make excuses, so I don't believe what you said." Jian Qingyu muttered with her mouth pouted.

In the evening, when the family sat down to eat, Li Qiaomu announced at the dinner table that he was taking the family on a trip to Beijing.

"I won't go. I'm an old man, why do you follow you young people? Isn't this a drag on you?" Wen Leibo said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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