Chapter 896 Are you crazy?
"That's it. I used to think that my sister became what she is now because Comrade Jian Haotian failed her. It wasn't until I heard some words from Comrade Jian Haotian that I sent someone to investigate the truth. I found out that I had been thinking wrong all along, my sister and Comrade Jian Haotian didn't even know each other, everything was my sister's own idea of ​​affection."

Having said that, Mo Xiaobai smiled wryly, and regretted why he hadn't investigated it all this time.

Li Qiaomu glanced at him, "It's fine as long as the investigation is clear."

"Well, thank you for your forgiveness for what I did."

"By the way, I want to tell you one more thing. Is there a girl in your family who is not very tall and has a long face and a little boy about three years old."

Listening to his description, Li Qiaomu immediately matched Jian Xiang's figure.

"I think I know who you are talking about. She should be my husband's niece."

When Mo Xiaobai heard her words, a surprised expression appeared on his face, "Based on what she told me that time, I really can't imagine that she is your niece."

After listening to his words, Li Qiaomu was a little curious about what Jian Xiang said in front of others.

"May I ask what exactly she said to you?"

Mo Xiaobai suddenly became a little chattering, and it took a while to speak some words slowly.

After listening to what he said, Li Qiaomu sneered, "It seems that these words are really what a niece like her can say."

When Mo Xiaobai heard her unsurprised words, the expression on his face was startled.

Seeing this, Li Qiaomu smiled and explained to him, "We don't have a good relationship with her. Although she is our niece, in her eyes, we are not her relatives."

Mo Xiaobai thought for a while, then pursed his lips and smiled, "I can tell."

After chatting for a while, Mo Xiaobai went back to the filming scene without staying at Xin Jian's house because he was rushing back to filming.

After Li Qiaomu sent the man away, thinking of what Mo Xiaobai had said, he looked in the direction of Old Jian's house and sneered twice.

At the same time, Jian Xiang, who was with the child at the old Jian's house, suddenly sneezed.

"Did you catch a cold? Let me tell you, if you catch a cold, don't take your child with you, lest my son get infected." Qin Wei, who came to see his son today, saw his daughter-in-law who suddenly sneezed loudly. There was no distress on his face, only disgust.

Hearing his words, Jian Xiang felt a little chilled in his heart, "Are you still a human being? I'm your daughter-in-law. I might catch a cold. You didn't say any words of concern, but you still acted like you disliked me. You still my man?"

Qin Wei was playing with his son in his arms, but he didn't listen to her complaints at all.

Seeing him like this, Jian Xiang felt even more chilled in his heart.

"I'm going to invest in TV, you give me a sum of money." At this moment, Jian Xiang only felt that money was the last thing in this world that would betray her.

"How much?" Qin Wei asked casually.

Jian Xiang glanced at him, and threw a big number at him bluntly, "Give me 200 million first, and if it's not enough later, I'll ask you for it."

As soon as Qin Wei heard this number, he almost threw his son in his arms on the ground, "What did you just say, repeat it, how much is it? Are you crazy?"

(End of this chapter)

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