Chapter 9 Must Divide
Seeing the only empty chair in the main room, Jian Haotian naturally wouldn't back down. After sitting down, he showed a faint smile and said to Jian's second child, "Thank you, second brother."

Jane's second child waved his hand, "Why are you being so polite, family."

The old man Jian coughed at this time, and looked at the third son sitting on the chair with a pair of old eyes that could not see a trace of concern, "Third son, how does your leg feel now? What did the doctor who showed you the leg say? Is this leg still fully healed?"

Jian Haotian looked at his father sitting in the middle of the main room with blank eyes, and his voice was even colder, "Dad, my two legs should not be better than before, and this time when I go home, I have also submitted the discharge report. will stay at home.”

As soon as he said this, the faces of many people present changed.

When Jian Haotian finished speaking, he also secretly watched the reactions on these people's faces. After he saw the reactions clearly, a sneer crossed the corner of his mouth.

At this time, Jian's mother thought that no one saw her small movements, and desperately winked at the old man Jian.

Old Jane looked like she didn't see it, and said again, "Third brother, why didn't you tell us about your decision before, and, is your leg really not getting better?"

"Dad, it's impossible for the doctor to lie to me about this kind of thing. When I made this decision, I was also very painful. I haven't mentioned it to you these days after I came back. The main reason is that I feel uncomfortable."

Old man Jian lowered his face, and remained silent for more than ten seconds before continuing, "Today I called you all over for this family meeting to tell you about the separation."

"Separation." The second brother Jian was immediately unhappy when he heard this.

The two of them are the most incompetent in this family. If the family is really divided, the four of them will starve to death.

"Dad, I don't want to split up." Brother Jian blushed and said this under the pull of his wife.

Old man Jian glared at the second son, "Third son, what do you think?"

Jian Haotian raised a pair of eyes that seemed to be smiling but not smiling and glanced at everyone in the main room, "Dad, what you mean, you want to separate our family."

Old man Jian didn't expect that the youngest son directly spoke to the little Jiujiu in his heart, and his old face turned red immediately, and he didn't know if he was ashamed.

Jian's mother glanced at her red-faced old partner, worried that things might go wrong, so she rushed to answer, "Third son, your father and I can't help it. If the family is separated, your father and I will naturally follow your elder brother. One family, as for your second brother's family, they are lazy, if they are separated, the four of them will starve to death."

"It's so nice to say, since both of them have difficulties, then our family also has it. Haotian's leg was injured, and we don't know if it will recover completely in the future, and we shouldn't be separated." Li Qiao Mu really couldn't bear to hear the reason for their separation, so he stood up and retorted.

Jian's mother stared at her with gloomy eyes.

This daughter-in-law is not what happened today, she has changed a lot.

Obviously she was not like this before, cowardly and cowardly, even if she cursed, this daughter-in-law didn't dare to refute.

Jian Haotian coughed at this time, and pulled Li Qiaomu who was standing beside him behind him to protect him.

When Jian's mother saw his action, she became more and more angry. She stood up and shouted, "Separation, you must separate this family. Just because of your daughter-in-law's disrespectful attitude, I don't want to live with her."

(End of this chapter)

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