Chapter 903 Not bad

Li Qiaomu suppressed a smile and said to him, "Heart piercing! There will be more opportunities for heart piercing in the future. If you don't take good care of yourself, let me tell you, when we go out in the future, others will think we are father and daughter, right? Husband and wife, isn't that more worrying?"

When Jian Haotian heard her words, his heart skipped a beat, and he asked a little nervously, "Daughter-in-law, don't scare me. Is the gap between us so big now? I think I'm fine now."

"You feel good about yourself. Anyway, if you don't believe it, just wait and see. I don't mind. Anyway, I was the one who praised me in the end." She laughed.

At this time, Jian Haotian looked at his wife's delicate face, and said cruelly, "Okay, I will listen to my wife, and I will take good care of my face when I go back at night."

Even if he went to the bureau tomorrow, and those family members said that he smelled good, he didn't care, and he didn't care what they said.

Anyway, maintenance is the most important thing now, he doesn't want to go out with his wife in the future and be told by passers-by that they are father and daughter, that would be really heartbreaking.

Sure enough, as Li Qiaomu said, at the end of the second day, the two reconciled their accounts like yesterday, and found that today's turnover was 1000 yuan lower than yesterday.

This gap immediately made Zhang Xingyu look like an eggplant beaten by frost, half of his energy was lost.

Compared to her listlessness, Li Qiaomu was rather amused.

"Don't feel bad, I told you about this kind of thing yesterday, just let it go." She persuaded.

Zhang Xingyu said weakly, "Boss, I just can't believe that we lost 1000 yuan all of a sudden today. If this is 1000 yuan a day, our counter is going to close down."

The thought of this kind of thing really happening made her feel like the end of the world was coming.

She didn't want this counter to disappear. She finally found what she wanted to do, but she didn't want it to disappear so soon.

Li Qiaomu was drinking water, but she didn't expect that she would say such a sentence to herself suddenly, or curse herself for closing the store, and immediately spit out a mouthful of water.

"Boss, are you okay?" Zhang Xingyu, who came back to his senses, was a little embarrassed and came up to care.

Li Qiaomu waved his hand, took a tissue and wiped his mouth, "I'm fine, but can we think in a better direction, I assure you, our store will not close down, I will keep opening it .”

Zhang Xingyu blushed immediately, "I'm sorry, boss, I didn't curse our counter on purpose."

Li Qiaomu patted her on the shoulder understandingly, "I understand your anxiety, but you put your heart in your stomach, I promise this kind of thing won't happen, just do it well."

"I've already thought about the amount of money dropped today, and the drop is not much, less than I imagined." She said.

"It's still less, 1000 yuan." Zhang Xingyu said in disbelief after hearing that it was still too little.

Li Qiaomu smiled and continued, "It sounds a bit much, but it is indeed a little less. I earned more than 5000 yesterday. That's because I was doing an event and there was a lot of traffic, so I made a lot of money. Today's event is over. But there are still more than 4000, which is not bad.”

After Zhang Xingyu listened to her words seriously, his mind suddenly seemed to be opened, and suddenly became much clearer.

"Boss, after hearing what you said, why do I feel that 1000 yuan is really not much." She said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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