Chapter 910 Mental Hospital
"Of course not. I'm just afraid that if you go there at that time, if you get angry with me because of some non-existent things, then I'm really going to jump into the Yellow River again and I won't be able to cleanse myself."

After hearing his explanation, Li Qiaomu smiled and rolled his eyes at him, "What do you mean by that, do you think I am such an unreasonable woman?"

Hearing this question, he explained with a strong desire to survive, "No, you are not an unreasonable person, you are the most reasonable daughter-in-law in the world, am I afraid that something like this will happen? .”

Li Qiaomu glanced at him with a smile on the corner of his mouth, "Your mouth is becoming more and more sweet-talking. Did you eat candy before going out?"

Jian Haotian smiled softly, looked around with gentle eyes, and then whispered in her ear, "Daughter-in-law, if you suspect that I have eaten candy, or can you come and check?"

Li Qiaomu, who didn't know what he was up to, subconsciously asked him, "How to check?"

Until she met his fiery eyes, in the next second, she understood everything, and then her pretty face became red and ashamed.

"Why are you like this? The public doesn't know how to restrain yourself." She raised her hand angrily and shyly, and patted his arm twice.

Jian Haotian smiled and grabbed her hand, holding it tightly in his generous palm.

Just when the atmosphere between the young couple was like pink bubbles, a car suddenly stopped in front of them.

Immediately afterwards, the car window opened, revealing a tightly packed man wearing sunglasses and a hat on his head.

"Comrade Jian, Comrade Li, you have been waiting for a long time. Sorry, something happened on the road. You are late. Get in the car."

Hearing this voice, the young couple recognized that the tightly packed person in front of them was Mo Xiaobai they were waiting for.

After getting into the car, Li Qiaomu said, "Mr. Mo, it's really hard to recognize you like this. If you hadn't spoken just now, I wouldn't have recognized you. I thought someone was going to rob us."

Mo Xiaobai, who had just grabbed the sunglasses off his face, almost choked on his own saliva when he heard her joke about him.

"Comrade Li, don't make fun of me. You have Comrade Jian, the chief of the police station, by your side. I wouldn't dare to rob you. I'm not impatient anymore."

When the people next to him heard his words, the corners of their mouths curled up.

After joking for a while, the atmosphere in the car returned to seriousness.

"I've already told the hospital at my sister's side, we can see my sister now." When he said these words, he stared at Jian Haotian.

"I will try my best to untie the knot in your sister's heart, but I can't guarantee whether I will succeed." After listening to his speech, Jian Haotian said with a blank face.

Mo Xiaobai nodded immediately, "I understand, I am very grateful to you for coming to help my sister. No matter whether my sister's illness can improve or not, I thank you for your help to my sister."

On the way to go, none of the people in the car said a word.

The car drove for about half an hour on the busy streets of the city, and finally arrived at a mental hospital in the suburbs.

After some inspections, the group of them finally came to a ward.

(End of this chapter)

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