Chapter 912 Finding Evidence

"I didn't mean that. I just spoke out about the problem. As for what the truth is, before I find the correct answer, it's meaningless to say these things now."

Although he didn't hear him admit it with his own ears, Mo Xiaobai still felt uncomfortable in his heart, and always felt that what Jian Haotian said just now meant that.

After coming out of the mental hospital, Jian Haotian, who is a policeman, immediately thought of other ways to prove it, "You told me before that your sister wrote to me, can you show me those letters written by your sister!"

When Mo Xiaobai heard that this man still had the face to read the letter written by his sister, his face suddenly became ugly, and he gritted his teeth and said, "My surname is Jane, don't bully me too much, my sister was killed by you." In this way, you still want to read her letter, do you think she hasn't been hurt enough by you?"

When Li Qiaomu saw his man being pointed at and scolded by an outsider, he immediately became overwhelmed with anger and stood in front of Jian Haotian, "Mo Xiaobai, are you blind or deaf? You didn't hear what your sister said just now, did you? Everyone said that my man is not the Jian Haotian she was looking for."

"Let me tell you, if you point at him and scold him again, I won't forgive it so easily. He is my man, and I don't allow others to scold him. Do you hear me?"

Mo Xiaobai glared at Jian Haotian, "Comrade Li, I advise you to open your eyes and take a good look at it. This person surnamed Jane is not a good man at all. You have also seen my sister like this now. Besides, you Jane The only one in the family village is Jian Haotian, so I can still admit my mistake."

"You're right, I'm the only one in Jian's Village called Jian Haotian, but don't forget one thing, someone can pretend to be me." Jian Haotian gently held the delicate palm of his daughter-in-law who stood in front of him, The little annoyance in my heart was immediately swept away by the heart-warming gesture of my daughter-in-law.

"What do you mean by that?" Mo Xiaobai looked at him with wide eyes and asked.

"I don't mean anything, I'm just expressing what's in my heart, that's why I asked to read the letters your sister collected." Jian Haotian replied calmly.

Li Qiaomu took a deep look at him, suddenly seemed to think of something, and immediately joined him to persuade Mo Xiaobai who was still thinking about it, "If you want your sister to get better soon, I think you You can agree to this matter, don't worry, we will not tell anyone about your sister's letters."

Mo Xiaobai kept looking back and forth between the two of them with a suspicious expression on his face. After a while, he clenched his fists and agreed, "Okay, I'll take you to see the letters my sister hid."

With his consent, the three of them immediately got into the car parked at the door again, and the car drove towards the center of Beijing.

After arriving at the destination, the young couple learned from Mo Xiaobai that these things had been brought with him all the time.

Mo Xiaobai now lives in a high-end residential area. Under the leadership of Mo Xiaobai, the owner, the group of them arrived at their destination very quickly.

"You sit down whatever you want, and I'll get you things out." After inviting people in, Mo Xiaobai explained this sentence to the two of them, and immediately turned around and entered one of the rooms.

The young couple was not in the mood to look at the decorations here at this time, they sat down holding hands and waited for Mo Xiaobai to bring out the things.

(End of this chapter)

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