Li Qiaomu's expression was a bit tangled, "Dad, didn't Haotian tell you that your illness is just a minor illness, and you will recover soon."

"Don't lie to me. You won't vomit blood if you have a minor illness. I know that my illness must be a serious illness. Am I going to die?" Old man Jian continued calmly.

Li Qiaomu looked at the expression on his face, and immediately didn't know what to say was right.

"Where is the third child, I want to see him." Old man Jian looked at the silent third daughter-in-law, and suddenly asked again.

Li Qiaomu quickly replied, "He has been notified, and he is probably on his way back now."

Old man Jian didn't say anything more this time, and it took a long time to hear him say again, "I'm fine, if you have something to do, go back first, you don't need to guard me here."

Li Qiaomu pursed his lips, nodded and said, "Okay, then Dad, you should rest well, I'll go back first, if there is anything, you can ask Mom to call me at home."

Mrs. Jian stood at the door and didn't dare to go in. Thinking of the scene of the old man vomiting blood just now, her legs were still shaking in fright.

At this time, seeing Li Qiaomu coming out of the house, Mrs. Jian ran over and grabbed her hand and asked, "How is your father, is he okay?"

Li Qiaomu shook his head, "It's okay, I'll go back first, if there is anything else, you can call me at home."

Before Mrs. Jian could say anything, Li Qiaomu passed her and left.

Half an hour after Li Qiaomu arrived home, Jian Haotian hurried back on his bicycle with an anxious expression on his face.

Seeing him coming back covered in sweat, Li Qiaomu stepped forward to help him wipe the sweat off his forehead, and told him, "The old man just vomited blood. He should have noticed something. Think about how to tell him when you pass by."

Jian Haotian's eyes darkened, and then he responded softly, "Okay, I understand."

When he came back, he didn't stay at home too long, and after taking a sip of water, he went to Old Jane's house.

Li Qiaomu sighed softly watching his back as he walked away, and turned around to do other things.

It was already evening when I saw him again.

Li Qiaomu walked up to him who hadn't said a word since he came back, and asked with concern, "How is it? Did you tell me about your condition?"

Jian Haotian raised his head and glanced at his daughter-in-law who was close in front of him. At this moment, he only wanted to have the closest person hug him.

In the next second, he threw himself into her arms and hugged her tightly.

"Well, I said it, Dad's mood is very calm, he should have thought of this result, so he didn't have much expression." After a while, he slowly talked.

Li Qiaomu patted him on the back lightly, "Don't be sad, you still have us."

Not long after the young couple hugged each other, they were suddenly interrupted by three children who had finished their homework and came out to play.

The three brothers and sisters stood there with embarrassment on their faces, not knowing whether to go in or continue to come out.

Li Qiaomu looked at their three tangled faces, smiled softly, and waved to them, "What are you doing standing there, come here."

"Are you okay?" Jian Haotian stared at the three of them with a slightly uneasy expression and asked.

The three brothers and sisters look at me and I look at you. After a while, Jian Qingfeng stood up and was the first to say, "Dad, Mom, the second brother drew something, and he wants to show it to you two."

When Li Qiaomu heard this, he immediately groaned happily, and looked towards his younger son, "What is it, bring it here and let me have a good look."

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