Li Qiaomu looked up at him, nodded slightly, and said nothing more.

"Go to sleep." Seeing that she was not in high spirits, he hugged her and coaxed her softly.

That night, Li Qiaomu suffered from insomnia.

When I woke up in the morning, I had dark circles around my eyes.

She had just had breakfast when she received a call from He Xiong, saying that she was asked to take Meimei to the Hyatt Hotel in the provincial capital to sign a contract on Saturday.

After agreeing to him, the two hung up the phone.

Just as she hung up the phone, old man Jane's voice came from the door.

Li Qiaomu came out and saw old man Jian standing at the door with a bag of things.

"Old man, it's just right that you are at home. You can eat this bag of potatoes. It was just taken back from the field." Old man Jian said while carrying the bag of potatoes with difficulty.

Seeing this, Li Qiaomu hurried over to help.

"No, no, this bag is dirty, don't get your clothes dirty, I'll just bring it in." Old Jane refused her help.

Li Qiaomu looked at the nearly [-] catties of potatoes and the soil on the bag, and he knew that they had just been dug today.

"Dad, you can take these potatoes home and eat them. You can use anything here, so there's no need for it." The main reason was that the sudden delivery made her a little flustered.

The old man Jian lowered his head, and his voice was a bit lonely, "Old man, are you still living with the old things?"

Li Qiaomu twitched the corners of his mouth and said with a smile, "No, Dad, where are you going? I've long forgotten about the past."

The old man Jane looked up at her, then lowered his head again, and said, "Since you are not angry, then accept these potatoes. I gave them to my grandsons to eat. You can't take them away."

After finishing speaking, old man Jian was afraid that Li Qiaomu would return the things to him, so he turned around and left the house after putting these things away.

Even when Li Qiaomu asked him to drink some water, the old man refused, and his steps were still fast.

Li Qiaomu looked at his back, then sighed at the bag next to him.

In the evening, when the family sat together for dinner, they found that there was no meat on the table at home, but potatoes.

"Mom, do we have no money in our family now? Why don't we even have a piece of meat, it's all potatoes." Jian Qingyu asked Li Qiaomu bitterly.

Li Qiaomu glanced at him leisurely, "What's the matter, don't you like it?"

Seeing her mother's dangerous eyes, Jian Qingyu shuddered in fright, and subconsciously shook her head with a strong desire to survive, "No way, I like potatoes very much. I like potatoes the most."

The corners of Li Qiaomu's mouth curled up, and he stopped teasing his son in front of him. He said formally, "These potatoes were sent by your grandfather for you to eat. This is his wish, and we can't let us down."

"Did I hear you right? My grandfather actually gave us a bag of potatoes. Mom, did you say something wrong?" Jian Qingyu plucked her ears with her hands in disbelief.

Li Qiaomu gave him a blank look, "I'm not wrong, these potatoes were indeed sent by your grandfather, although he really didn't treat you very well before, but now."

Speaking of this, Li Qiaomu secretly glanced at Jian Haotian who was sitting next to him, and really didn't know whether he should say the following words or not.

"Okay, let's all have dinner." Jian Haotian didn't say anything, just said this sentence, and immediately moved his chopsticks first, picked up a piece of potato and put it in his mouth to eat.

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