The Age of Rebirth: The Veteran Rough Man Carried His Hot Wife Home

Chapter 941 It's Becoming Even More Powerful

Jian Qingyu blushed, and called out to her a little embarrassedly, "Mom."

Seeing this, Li Qiaomu stopped teasing his son, and pointed to the direction of the study with his eyes.

After being reminded by her own mother, Jian Qingyu's eyes lit up, she ran up and hugged Li Qiaomu, her own mother, and then said, "Thank you, mother, I love my mother the most." After quickly dropping these words, He immediately turned around and ran towards the study.

Li Qiaomu looked at the back of him running past with a face of dumbfounding, and said, "Stinky boy."

Arriving at the door of the study, Jian Qingyu suddenly stopped in her tracks, stood a little nervously at the door, and suddenly didn't want to go in.

Because he is afraid.

The sound of him running over had already been heard by Jian Haotian and Lu Shuliang in the study.

The two people who were sitting in the study and looking at things saw that the outside suddenly became quiet, curious expressions appeared on their two resolute faces at the same time, and they looked towards the door at the same time.

Jian Haotian saw the second son standing at the door who suddenly dared not come in, smiled softly, and called out his name, "Jian Qingyu, why don't you come in?"

Standing at the door, Jian Qingyu froze when she heard her father calling her. After taking a few deep breaths, she finally plucked up the courage to walk in.

Before he could call out the word dad, suddenly a big hand patted his shoulder.

"You are Jian Qingyu. I've heard your name all day. Yes, you have the prestige of your father." Lu Shuliang patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile on his face.

Jian Qingyu was taken aback by this person who came forward out of the blue, and subconsciously cast a look towards her father for help.

"Don't be afraid, this is the Uncle Lu I told you about yesterday." Jian Haotian comforted his second son with a smile.

When Jian Qingyu heard it, there was no fear on her face. At this time, she stared at Lu Shuliang with bright eyes and asked, "Uncle Lu, are you very interested in my drawings?"

Lu Shuliang smiled and rubbed his head, "Boy, let me ask you a question, how did you draw these blueprints of yours, why did you draw them, and what were you thinking when you drew them?"
After listening to the long question he asked, Jian Qingyu complained a bit, "Uncle Lu, what you are asking is not a single sentence, but a long question."

Lu Shuliang was amused by the funny expression on his face, "Okay, okay, it's my uncle who is wrong, but you still have to answer, because uncle really wants to know the answer."

"Okay, first of all, I drew this drawing in my head, and then I like to draw these things. I like to read some books about this kind of thing. After reading too much, I want to draw something different by myself. That's it."

"You actually read this kind of book. It's not easy to get this kind of book." He said a little surprised.

Jian Haotian interjected at this moment, "Shen Hua found it for him, and Shen Hua taught him for a while before."

"So it's about that guy Shen Hua." Lu Shuliang touched his chin and said.

"I'm quite optimistic about your blueprints, but they are still a little immature, but if you want to learn, I can teach you, and you will become even better after keeping them." Lu Shuliang said with a shrewd light in his eyes.

Jian Haotian immediately pointed at him and questioned, "Your surname is Lu, what do you mean by this sentence? You don't mean to abduct my son, do you?"

He just wanted to find a master for his son, not someone who abducted his son.

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