Although Li Qiaomu didn't hear Shen Heng mentioning his parents, she had read the novel. In this world, no one knew better than her how great the work of the Shen family couple was.

"No, you don't need to be so polite. Your matters are important, and we didn't do anything. The main reason is that Xiao Heng is very obedient, so no one should worry about his affairs."

Shengkai looked at Li Qiaomu who was calm in front of him, and it became more and more pleasing to the eye.

She has never missed a person in this way, and this person named Li Qiaomu is a person who can be associated with.

Now she finally understood why her son would miss the Jane family who took care of him so much when he returned home.

"Is Comrade Li free? It's just time for dinner. Let me treat you to a potluck." Sheng Kai smiled and extended the invitation.

Li Qiaomu looked embarrassed, "There are two children at home who are studying, I want to go back and cook for them, but if Comrade Sheng doesn't mind, you can come to my house for dinner."

After listening, Sheng Kai stroked Wang's chin and thought for a while. When he raised his head, he said with a smile, "Okay, it just so happens that my business has been finished, so Xiao Heng and I will bother you."

"It's okay, it's just a matter of two sets of bowls and chopsticks."

Sheng Kai smiled, she declined the bank staff's offer, and the three of them quickly stood at the door of the bank.

Shengkai looked at his own car parked at the door, and kindly extended an invitation, "Comrade Li, would you like to take my car home, it might be faster."

Li Qiaomu smiled and pointed to his car parked not far away, "No need, I drove here by myself."

Blooming saw her answer, and at the same time followed the direction she pointed and saw the car she parked not far away.

Looking at this black car, Sheng Sheng was a little shocked, after all, not everyone in this small place can afford a car.

As if he didn't see the shock in her eyes, Li Qiaomu came to the side of the car alone, and drove the car ahead first.

In the car, Shengkai looked at the car that was going ahead, and looked at the silent son beside him, "Boy, your Aunt Li doesn't seem to be simple, she actually bought a car."

As soon as Shen Heng heard it, he immediately put aside the tension in his heart because he wanted to see Meimei, and said back to his mother beside him, "Of course, Mom, you don't even look at who you see. Aunt Li is very happy." Awesome, do you know who made the skin care products and cosmetics you use now?"

When Shengkai heard his son's unreasonable words, he immediately looked at him seriously, "I don't know, then you know, brat." After finishing speaking, he rubbed the top of his head twice vigorously with a smile on his face. Down.

Shen Heng pushed her hand away a little angrily, "Of course I know, this person is far away in the sky and right in front of us."

Shengkai was just about to laugh, but suddenly realized something, and immediately turned to look at his son with a sly smile on his face.

"You don't mean to tell you that the skin care products and cosmetics I use now are made by you, Aunt Li?"

Shen Heng looked at this shrewd mother, clapped his hands twice, "Mom, you are so smart, you guessed it so quickly."

Listening to his son's yin and yang words, Sheng Kai patted his head, "Go away, don't bury your mother and me here."

"If what you said is true, then your Aunt Li is really not simple." Finally she concluded.

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