Chapter 969 Who is more powerful

Shen Heng was taken aback by his excitement, but he quickly recovered his usual calmness after being used to big scenes, "I'm sorry, I don't have this plan for the time being."

When Guo Huai heard his refusal, the excitement on his face immediately decreased by more than half, but soon he returned to the excitement just now as if something happened, "You said you have no such plan for the time being, right?"

Shen Heng nodded.

"You said you are temporarily, that is to say, you just don't have this plan for the time being, so that means I still hope to ask you to be my hero, doesn't it?"

Shen Heng was stared at and asked by him, so he had no choice but to follow his words and tap lightly.

After Guo Huai got his answer, he clapped his hands with ease and said, "It's okay, it's okay if you don't have this plan for the time being, I can wait for you to have this plan, I can wait."

"Now that I have another good script in my head, I'm going to write a script in your image. I'm sure if you play it, my drama will be popular again. Oh, sure enough, this man Ah, I still need to go out for a walk more often." The more he talked, the more excited he became, Guo Huai had completely immersed himself in his own world.

Li Qiaomu, who was sitting beside him, shook his head helplessly.

"Leave him alone, he is now a lunatic who writes scripts, let him sink into his own world, and we can just go about our own business." Li Qiaomu said to Shen Heng who was also surprised.

In the evening, those who go to work and school go home.

Meimei was very happy to see this uncle Guo Huai, she took his hand and asked a lot about her upcoming entry into the team.

Not far away, Shen Heng looked at the big and small chatting happily with a bit of resentment in his eyes.

"Xiaofeng, what's the matter between Meimei and that director Guo? I think Meimei likes that director Guo very much."

Hearing Shen Heng's question, Jian Qingfeng raised his gaze from the competition book in his hand, and followed his gaze to the big and small sitting not far away.

"Uncle Guo, he is the director of my sister's first play, and he is also a good friend with my mother. My sister admires Uncle Guo very much."

Shen Heng's face turned dark immediately, "Worship! Meimei actually adores him, what's so good about him, isn't he just good at making TV dramas."

"Uncle Guo is not only good at filming TV series, he also writes scripts. Now the popular TV series on our TV is directed and written by himself. Now it is a household name." Jian Qingfeng said seriously.

The more Shen Heng heard it, the more sour he felt. He turned his head to look at Jian Qingfeng and asked, "Xiaofeng, let me ask you, compared with Director Guo, who is stronger?"

Jian Qingfeng was startled, looked at Guo Huai who was not far away, then looked at him in front of him, and said with a last smile, "Xiao Heng, what happened to you today, how do you compare this kind of thing, you and Uncle Guo's Age doesn't compare."

Shen Heng was startled, and then an embarrassing expression appeared on his face, "Yes, how can I compare this kind of thing, I'm really crazy."

Seeing that his daughter had finished chatting with Guo Huai, Jian Haotian took a bottle of fruit wine and walked up to Guo Huai, "Drink a glass of fruit wine together later?"

Guo Huai's eyes lit up when he saw the fruit wine in his hand, "Okay, after I got back to Beijing, the most important thing I thought about here was fruit wine. Your fruit wine is still the best."

Hearing his compliment, Jian Haotian nodded in agreement, it wasn't him bragging, he also felt that the fruit wine in the town was not as good as his own fruit wine.

(End of this chapter)

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