Chapter 102 No Evidence
These killers deserve to die too.

She had no intention of showing mercy.

Xiao Yixuan rescued the man and drove off the other killers.

But Su Qinglan was not going to let all the killers here go, so she killed them all mercilessly.

Xiao Yixuan hurriedly asked Su Qinglan to come over.

Su Qinglan glanced at the man's injuries, then shook her head lightly.

This person was seriously injured, and she was powerless to recover.

The man grabbed Xiao Yixuan's wrist, with a smile on his face, "Tell the young castle master that this subordinate has completed the task."

After finishing speaking, the man's hand dropped, and he passed away.

Xiao Yixuan frowned.

He could only cover the man's eyes with his hands.

Su Qinglan stretched out her hand towards Xiao Yixuan, "Where's the token he gave you?"

Xiao Yixuan said: "This person said that he wants to hand over this token to the Young Master of the Tang Family Castle..."

Su Qinglan took the token, it was a jade pendant, this jade pendant also looked quite ordinary, there was no reason for it.

"The master of Tangjiabao, Tang Shaoqing, is one of the best in today's martial arts world. I heard that he is a martial arts genius. Not only that, but his poison skills are also very good. It's a pity that Tang Shaoqing has always been familiar with the affairs of the world after hearing about it. Very indifferent, and even less willing to be the leader of this martial arts alliance..."

Xiao Yixuan really didn't know much about Jianghu affairs.

He asked Su Qinglan, "Will this Tang Shaoqing come to the martial arts conference?"

Su Qinglan nodded, "Should come. Every year, the Tang Sect will send disciples here. In the past two years, Tang Shaoqing also came, but he didn't join the martial arts leader, he was just going through the motions..."

Xiao Yixuan was a little surprised, "Why doesn't he want to be the leader of the martial arts?" He is young and promising, if he becomes the leader of the martial arts, it will probably bring a better future to the martial arts.

Su Qinglan shook her head, "I don't know, I heard that Tang Shaoqing has been smarter than others since he was a child, and he has always been the strongest among the disciples of the Tang Sect. As for why he doesn't want to be the leader of the martial arts alliance, it should be right If you don't care about fame and fortune, you should be a dull person."

Xiao Yixuan looked at Su Qinglan and said, "It seems that you seem to appreciate him."

Su Qinglan raised her eyebrows, "Why do you see that?"

She didn't appreciate Tang Shaoqing, but just curious.

She has always known about Tang Shaoqing's existence, but she has never contested it.

She not only likes to study medicine, but also likes to study poison.

And Tang Shaoqing is also a master of poisoning. She has heard of Tang Shaoqing's name and has always wanted to compare with Tang Shaoqing.

Who is the real poison master.

There is a feeling of sympathy between masters and masters.

This is not to appreciate, but to compete.

Xiao Yixuan said with some taste: "Because, I think you know him quite well! You know everything about him clearly, don't you?"

Su Qinglan thought about it, and there was nothing wrong with saying that.

"You're quite right. I admire him quite a bit. After all, it's rare to meet a very powerful poison master. I really want to see him soon..."

Xiao Yixuan: "..."

So impatient.

Could it be that you have a crush on others.

"I can't wait to compete with him, who is the real master of poison..."


When hearing the last sentence, Xiao Yixuan almost burst out laughing.

Good guy, I dare to talk for a long time, so I want to compare poison with others!
He shouldn't expect Su Qinglan to like others.

Xiao Yixuan said to Su Qinglan: "Let's go!"

Su Qinglan looked at the body of the deceased and said: "The deceased is the most important, he is still from the world, he must be a good person, why don't we bury him!"

Xiao Yixuan was a little surprised, because he really didn't expect that Su Qinglan would have such kindness.

After Su Qinglan said that, he naturally couldn't let it go.

Xiao Yixuan carried the body to a place and began to dig a hole.

The skill of digging pits needs to be improved.

Su Qinglan told Xiao Yixuan to get out of the way, and directly used internal force to shake the ground into a big hole.

Xiao Yixuan blinked and was dumbfounded.

It turns out that this internal force can still be used in this way.

He is educated!

Xiao Yixuan directly put the corpse into the pit.

Su Qinglan said to him: "Fill it in!"

Xiao Yixuan, dare to say that his job is just a job.

Ok!At least filling the hole is much more comfortable than digging it!
After finally filling it out, the two left.

After returning, Su Qinglan didn't say anything.

Xiao Yixuan glanced at Su Qinglan before continuing to watch the night.

After dawn, they left early in the morning.

After all, so many people died last night.

Surely someone will come and investigate.

The investigation is nothing, they don't want to provoke those right and wrong.

After all, the world is dangerous.

Provoking too many enemies is not good for them. It is better to do less than to have more.

Not only Xiao Yixuan thought so, Su Qinglan also thought so.

So, early in the morning, their carriage left and continued towards their destination.

Although the road ahead does not know what will be encountered.

But this trip to the rivers and lakes, they have to go.

For the flame jade, they also had to go there.

"Help! Help! Can someone help me..."

In this kind of dense forest, in the dead of night, suddenly there was a voice calling for help.

Su Qinglan and Xiao Yixuan quickly glanced at each other.

"Xiyan, Xiyao, you guys like Lele..."

Su Qinglan instructed Wan Xiyan, Xi Yao and Xiao Yixuan to quickly move towards the direction calling for help, and use lightness kung fu to fly away.

Xi Yan and Xi Yao immediately protected the carriage one after the other.

Su Qinglan and Xiao Yixuan landed on the branch, looking at the group of people below, who were chasing a wounded quack.

This person from the rivers and lakes has injuries all over his body.

We've reached the end of the road.

Xiao Yixuan and Su Qinglan looked at each other.

Xiao Yixuan nodded towards Su Qinglan, and flew down, blocking the face of that Jiang Hu person.

Seeing Xiao Yixuan, people in the world quickly ran up and grabbed his wrist, "My lord, please help me..."

Xiao Yixuan frowned, "What happened?"

People in Jianghu handed something to Xiao Yixuan, "Give it to the master of Tangjiabao for me, and it must be handed over to the young master of Tangjiabao..."

Seeing that something was wrong with that person, Xiao Yixuan could only put away the token first.

The people in Jianghu didn't have time to say more, so they pushed Xiao Yixuan away, and shouted loudly: "Go, remember what I said..."

Those men in black directly killed people in the Jianghu.

But at this time, Su Qinglan made a move.

The silver needle in her hand shot directly at those people, and a row fell in front of them.

These silver needles are all highly poisonous, and if they are contaminated with the poison, they will definitely die.

(End of this chapter)

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