Chapter 107 Angry
Su Qinglan said to Tang Shaoqing: "Young hall master may have misunderstood. I came to the martial arts conference just for fun. I heard that the young hall master has high martial arts skills and is good at using poison. I just tried it out of curiosity and offended you. "

Tang Shaoqing didn't believe it at all, "The magic doctor came to the martial arts conference just for fun, I'm afraid no one will believe these words, right?"

Not to mention that others don't believe it, Tang Shaoqing himself doesn't believe it either.

Everyone said that the Palace of Miraculous Doctors is mysterious. The owner of the Palace of Miraculous Doctors is even more mysterious. No one knows who she is.

I heard that many people went to the mountain privately in order to get the idea of ​​the Miracle Doctor Palace, but in the end, those who died were seriously injured.

From then on, no one dared to think about the Miracle Doctor Palace casually.

In the past, he had only heard about the miracle doctor.

Now the people from the Divine Doctor Palace are right in front of him.

He did find it amusing.

It was no accident that the people from the Miracle Doctor Palace came to him in person.

Such a big fight to bring him here is just for the sake of learning?

It is impossible for anyone to believe these words.

The same is true for Tang Shaoqing.

Su Qinglan smiled, "It seems that you really can't hide anything from the Young Hall Master."

Tang Shaoqing said: "You can tell me what is the matter directly!"

He has always been straightforward, he doesn't like to sneak around, he hesitates, and he speaks directly.

Su Qinglan also spoke bluntly, "Since the young hall master has said so, then I will also say it bluntly. We met someone from your Tangjiabao on the way here, but unfortunately, we met his At that time, he was being hunted down..."

"By the time we rescued him, he had already suffered serious injuries. When he was dying, he gave us a token. Let us give it to the young master of Tangjiabao, that is, to you."

"The ones chasing him were a group of killers with high martial arts skills. At that time, we thought it was strange, so we rescued him, but because he was too seriously injured, there was nothing we could do."

Tang Shaoqing frowned slightly, then stretched out his hand towards her, "Where is the token?"

Su Qinglan glanced at Xiao Yixuan and nodded to him.

Xiao Yixuan took out a token from his arms and handed it to Tang Shaoqing.

"This thing was given to me by the Tangjiabao people before they died, and now it is returned to the original owner."

Tang Shaoqing took the token, and the expression on his face became serious.

This is Xu Fu's stuff.

Sure enough, something happened to Xu Fu.

Xu Fu was indeed Tang Shaoqing's man, and Tang Shaoqing entrusted him with a special task before leaving for him to complete.

It's a pity that he didn't expect Xu Fu to come back, but only waited for the token of his daughter-in-law Xu Fu.

Su Qinglan asked Tang Shaoqing curiously, "Did your Tangjiabao offend someone?"

Tang Shaoqing didn't speak, let alone answer Su Qinglan's question.

He just looked at the token in his hand in a daze, and his heart became heavy.

Seeing that Tang Shaoqing was unwilling to speak, Su Qinglan did not continue to ask.

Xiao Yixuan couldn't help frowning.

This Tang Shaoqing was too rude.

After all, they also sent him tokens. What's his attitude?

If I had known that he was like this, I shouldn't have agreed to send him a token.

Xiao Yixuan didn't like Tang Shaoqing's attitude.

Su Qinglan shook her head at Xiao Yixuan, signaling her to be calm.

This token is probably a very important thing, otherwise Tang Shaoqing's face would not have become so serious.

Tang Shaoqing raised his head and looked at Su Qinglan, "Thank you for returning his token. I still need to investigate this matter thoroughly before I can know the truth. However, I hope the genius doctor can keep it a secret for me for the time being. ..."

Su Qinglan nodded, "It's easy to say, easy to say, if the young master needs help with anything, feel free to say, as long as we can help, we will definitely help."

Tang Shaoqing said sincerely: "Thank you very much, then I will go back first."

After Tang Shaoqing took the token, he left in a hurry.

Xiao Yixuan frowned, "This token seems to be very important to him, and we helped him get the token back, he doesn't seem to be very grateful to us?"

Su Qinglan didn't take it seriously, "Maybe, he still has more important things to do now! This matter may have a lot to do with the deceased, so let him investigate first."

Xiao Yixuan said: "Wouldn't that be an advantage to him? We kindly helped him get the token, but he didn't show it at all."

Su Qinglan said: "People in the Jianghu don't care about trivial matters. We helped him get the token, and it wasn't for him to express his gratitude."

Xiao Yixuan looked at Su Qinglan, and remained silent for a while.

Su Qinglan looked at Xiao Yixuan in confusion, and asked, "What's wrong? Did I say something wrong?"

Xiao Yixuan shook his head, "No, I just think that you seem to treat him very differently!"

Su Qinglan was puzzled: "What's different?"

Xiao Yixuan looked at Su Qinglan, "It's just very different."

He didn't even know that there was some jealousy in his tone.

Su Qinglan said: "You think too much, I don't have that kind of thought."

Xiao Yixuan: "..."

Forget it, if she said no, then there would be no!
Xiao Yixuan didn't know why he was angry.

But I couldn't help but want to be angry, especially when I saw Tang Shaoqing's attitude, I became even more angry.

The majestic Prince Regent has never liked anyone, so naturally he doesn't know what it feels like to like someone.

He didn't even know that he had fallen in love with the woman in front of him.

To see this woman trust another man so much.

No wonder he wasn't jealous!

Su Qinglan said to Xiao Yixuan: "Since the goal has been achieved, let's go back!"

Xiao Yixuan followed behind Su Qinglan sullenly.

Su Qinglan sensed something was wrong with Xiao Yixuan, and couldn't help turning around.

The two almost collided.

Fortunately, Xiao Yixuan stood up in time.

Su Qinglan blinked her slender eyelashes at Xiao Yixuan, the distance between the two of them was very close, and they almost stuck together.

Su Qinglan took a step back subconsciously, and distanced herself from Xiao Yixuan.

Seeing Su Qinglan's actions, Xiao Yixuan felt even more upset.

Su Qinglan looked at Xiao Yixuan and asked, "What's wrong with you?"

What's the matter with this man? Wasn't he fine just now?
Why did you suddenly get angry when you said you were angry?
There's nothing to be angry about, is there?

Xiao Yixuan turned his face away, "I have nothing! Haven't I always been like this?"

This tone is not quite right.

What's wrong with this man?

Su Qinglan has never been in a relationship, let alone liked any man.

Whether it is past life or present life.

Therefore, she doesn't understand what emotion is at all.

(End of this chapter)

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