Chapter 109
It's not yet time for them to investigate this matter.

There was a murder case. Several people from the Jianghu were killed last night.

It is said that even the heart was dug out.

Early in the morning, the streets were crowded with people from all walks of life, and everyone was talking about it.

"It's fine to kill people with such vicious methods, but they actually gouged out people's hearts."

"No, who the hell is that cruel and vicious?"

"This is a place under the jurisdiction of the Wulin League. Who dares to make trouble here?"

"Last night, I heard that something happened to the young hall master. I heard that the young hall master was assassinated just after he came to the martial arts conference..."

"No way, who the hell is this? How dare he even dare to attack the Young Hall Master of Tangjiabao..."

"No, many people in the world saw it yesterday."

"Could this matter have something to do with the accident of the young hall master of Tangjiabao?"

"That's unknown."

Su Qinglan came with Xiao Yixuan, and heard the discussions from people in the surrounding world.

"Could the murderer be the one who assassinated the young hall master of Tangjiabao last night?"

"It's very possible, and the murderer's method is very cruel, not even a whole body is left."

"Then does this matter have something to do with the young hall master of Tangjiabao? Wasn't the young hall master assassinated last night? Shouldn't it be just to find the young hall master and ask who was the one who assassinated him yesterday? We can know the murderer."

"That's right, the young hall master must have made a move with the murderer last night. As long as he has done the trick, he will know the opponent's routine, and he will be able to know which sect the opponent is from, what kind of martial arts method..."

"It makes sense. This matter must be confirmed by the young hall master of Tangjiabao."

Su Qinglan and Xiao Yixuan looked at each other, this matter has nothing to do with them, they have never done anything.

Not to mention killing people.

The murderer is quite strange, even if he kills someone, why does he have to dig out his heart?
This incident is anything but ordinary.

It always feels like there is something behind it.

This is the first homicide, but it may not be the last.

It always feels like this is going to happen.

What can a human heart be used for?

There will never be a pervert who eats people's hearts!
Of course there is another possibility.

Maybe someone uses the heart for medicine.

But only Su Qinglan knew this idea.

There was a sudden commotion among the crowd.

I don't know who yelled.

"The Martial Arts League has come out, the Martial Arts League has come out..."

Among the originally crowded crowd, a path was instantly opened.

Several people carried by an old man headed in the direction of the dead.

The old man who walked in the front is the leader of today's martial arts.

It was the first time that Su Qinglan met the leader of the martial arts alliance. The old man had a benign face, not a bad guy.

The old man brought his foreman over to examine the corpse.

Wu Zuo came directly towards the corpse, and with the permission of the old man, he began to examine the wounds and scars on the corpse.

All the onlookers stepped back a few steps, giving them a huge space.

Su Qinglan also stood by and watched with great interest.

Wu Zuo checked for a long time before stopping.

He said to the martial arts leader: "The deceased was stabbed in the chest with a very sharp knife, and then the heart was dug out after killing the person alive."

After listening to Wuzuo's words.

The surrounding crowd gasped.

"How can there be such an evil person in the world."

"It's fine to kill someone, but he actually took out someone else's heart abruptly."

"This is an outrageous thing."

Everyone in the rivers and lakes knows that killing and leaving the whole body.

And this murderer didn't respect quack morality at all, and even took his heart away.

It is not yet known which sect's disciple died.

No one recognized them either.

If it is a disciple of the big sect, then he must be recognized immediately. It seems that he should be a disciple of the small sect.

It is really shameful to kill people and take away their hearts.

The leader of the martial arts alliance is still unable to tell which sect this person is from, so he can only take the body back to the martial arts alliance first.

The body was taken away by members of the Wulin League, and the surrounding crowd slowly dispersed.

Su Qinglan winked at Xiao Yixuan.

Xiao Yixuan followed in Su Qinglan's footsteps.

Xiao Yixuan asked Su Qinglan: "Who do you think would have done this?"

Su Qinglan shook her head, "I don't know, but according to the speculations of people in the Jianghu, they should soon blame us. After all, we went to find Tang Shaoqing last night, unless Tang Shaoqing didn't tell us. Otherwise, they will definitely suspect us."

Xiao Yixuan frowned, "We just returned the token to him last night, he wouldn't confess us so unscrupulously!"

Su Qinglan shrugged, "Who knows, maybe he really suspects that we killed someone?"

Xiao Yixuan didn't think Tang Shaoqing was such a person.

Although I don't know Tang Shaoqing well, and I don't like Tang Shaoqing very much, if it is Tang Shaoqing, there is no need to kill and take away the heart!
What is his purpose of killing people and taking his heart?

It's not a deep hatred, there is no need to do such a vicious act!

Moreover, the identity of the deceased is still unknown, and it is not known which sect's disciple died.

It's too early to draw conclusions.

Xiao Yixuan spoke his heart: "I think Tang Shaoqing will not betray us easily, and we also know what he envies. Isn't he afraid that we will be exposed?"

Su Qinglan looked at Xiao Yixuan, a little surprised: "Didn't you distrust Tang Shaoqing before? Why did you suddenly stand by him today?"

Xiao Yixuan said: "Whether I like him or not is one thing, and whether he will betray us is also another matter. I believe in him, not because I like him or not, I just speak according to the facts."

Su Qinglan said: "You are a person who clearly distinguishes between public and private."

Xiao Yixuan was stunned, "That's for sure, after all I'm not an idiot, there are some things that some people can still see..."

Although Tang Shaoqing doesn't look very good, this person must be very loyal.

Otherwise, last night, because of getting the token, his mood would not have changed all of a sudden.

That token should belong to one of his important subordinates!

Otherwise, he wouldn't have changed his face suddenly last night.

Therefore, a very loyal person like Tang Shaoqing should not be regarded as a bad person.

Since he is not a bad person, there is no need for him to kill people, let alone kill people before taking the heart.

Only a very evil person would have such a terrible idea and do such a terrible thing.

(End of this chapter)

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