Chapter 112: Doubtful

If you want to find someone and inquire about something, the two best places are teahouses and brothels.

Naturally, there are no brothels in places like King Wuling, so I can only come to tea houses and restaurants.

Su Qinglan doesn't drink alcohol.

Then they can only come to the teahouse to try their luck.

And as long as they drink tea in the teahouse, Tang Shaoqing will always find him, and they are waiting here for Tang Shaoqing.

Sure enough, when they were halfway through drinking tea, Tang Shaoqing arrived, a little earlier than they expected.

However, it can also be seen from the side that Tang Shaoqing is not a simple person, and he is also very cunning and strategic.

Why do you say that he has schemes and strategies?
Because people from the Wulin League must have approached Tang Shaoqing.

The news about Tang Shaoqing's assassination last night must have reached the Wulin League.

Therefore, people without lemons will definitely go to Tang Shaoqing to confirm this matter immediately.

If Tang Shaoqing hadn't betrayed them, then Tang Shaoqing would definitely come to them as soon as possible.

It was exactly the same as what Su Qinglan guessed.

Tang Shaoqing is a very smart person, he will definitely come to them for confirmation as soon as possible.

Of course, it is absolutely impossible for Tang Shaoqing to doubt them.

If they really wanted to quietly kill people and take away the heart, there was no need to disturb Tang Shaoqing at all.

As long as Tang Shaoqing is not a fool, he will not suspect them.

Tang Shaoqing was now in front of Su Qinglan, pretending to be caring: "What a coincidence, the two of us meet again, can we share a table?"

Su Qinglan stretched out her hand towards Tang Shaoqing: "Young hall master, please!"

Tang Shaoqing smiled: "It seems that you are waiting for me?"

"We just came out to drink tea, young hall master, don't misunderstand."

Even if he was really waiting for you here, he wouldn't have told you directly. Isn't this a self-report?
Su Qinglan would not admit it.

Tang Shaoqing froze for a moment, then sat down, "It seems that I am being sentimental."

Xiao Yixuan really wanted to say, it's just that you are being passionate.

Who is waiting for you, we are just here to drink tea, you are the one who came uninvited.

But he didn't say it directly when he complained about it.

Su Qinglan said: "I didn't expect Shatangju to have such time to come out for tea."

Tang Shaoqing smiled: "There is still some time for tea."

Su Qinglan said directly, "I heard that someone died on the street last night, and his heart was stolen. I wonder if the young master has heard of this?"

Tang Shaoqing glanced at Su Qinglan, "Everyone in the Jianghu knows about this matter, and I naturally know about it. What's more, I just came out of the Wulin League, and the leader of the Wulin League called me over to ask some questions. matter……"

Su Qinglan said bluntly: "The martial arts leader asked the young hall master about being assassinated yesterday."

Tang Shaoqing smiled: "You are very smart, you guessed everything like this."

Su Qinglan said: "Isn't it very easy to guess? Last night, you were the only one who was assassinated when you came down from court. And it just so happened that the dead person was killed and his heart was taken away. It's hard for people to Do not connect the two things."

"That's why people from the Martial Arts League must look for you immediately, because they think that you have fought against the killer last night, so they must know their martial arts skills and which sect they belong to."

Tang Shaoqing shook his head regretfully: "That's right, your guess is correct, but unfortunately, what I told the martial arts leader is that I have never seen the martial arts of those people last night, so I can't tell them apart at all." Which sect does it belong to?"

Everything was within her expectations.

Tang Shaoqing did not suspect them as expected.

Not to mention that they didn't tell those people in the Wulin League about their assassination of Tang Shaoqing last night.

Tang Shaoqing is also a very smart person.

Because he himself knew that there was no need for Su Qinglan and the others to kill people.

If you really want to kill people, it is impossible to use the same day.

Isn't this declaring that they are killing people all over the world?
No normal person would be so stupid.

What's more, Tang Shaoqing didn't think that Su Qinglan was a stupid person.

Su Qinglan said: "This matter has already been involved. Even if we don't find out the truth, others will come to the door. In order to prove our innocence, we may have to go down and stir up this muddy water... ..."

Originally intended to watch, but did not expect to be pulled away so soon.

Now I can't continue to watch, so let's get involved, the more muddy the water is, the better.

In the chaos, it may be possible to see clearly who is a human and who is a ghost.

Xiao Yixuan looked at Su Qinglan, "Do you mean to help the people from the Wulin League investigate this matter?"

Su Qinglan nodded slightly: "If we don't go to Tang Shaoqing, Tang Shaoqing will come to us, so even if we don't want to be involved in this matter, we will be forced to be involved."

Xiao Yixuan said: "We didn't do this matter in the first place. Those who clean themselves will clean up themselves. We have nothing to be afraid of."

Su Qinglan said: "The affairs of Jianghu cannot be explained clearly in a few words. Let's discuss this matter in a long-term way. If we really need our help, maybe we can also help."

Xiao Yixuan was puzzled: "But if we make a move so quickly, will our identity be exposed directly?"

Su Qinglan said: "At this time and at that time, the current situation is not the same as when we came here. We must change according to reality. If we contact the Wulin League now, will we be able to know sooner? Where is what we're looking for? It's not a bad thing, don't you think?"

Xiao Yixuan looked at Su Qinglan in surprise, he didn't expect her to come up with such an idea.

That's a very good idea indeed.

And it can also break into the Wulin League, which is indeed a good thing for them.

Of course it could be a bad thing too.

But no matter what, you have to try it to know.

Now that it's all here, you can't stand by and watch, and take action when you should.

Xiao Yixuan said to Su Qinglan: "I understand what you mean, we are waiting for Tang Shaoqing to come to us now, he will definitely come to us."

Such a thing happened, if Tang Shaoqing didn't come to them, then this thing would be incredible.

Even more incredible is Tang Shaoqing.

If Tang Shaoqing didn't come to look for them, then the people from Tang Shaoqing's side might have done this.

Anyway, now it's up to Tang Shaoqing what to do.

Su Qinglan deliberately took Xiao Yixuan to the restaurant to drink tea.

(End of this chapter)

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