Chapter 137 Unmoved

The only possibility is that the target of this group of people's murder is not here, but elsewhere.

Thinking of this, Su Qinglan said to Xiao Yixuan: "We may have come to the wrong place at night, and the place where they committed the crime may not be certain. It is here, and there may be other places."

Xiao Yixuan turned his head and glanced at Su Qinglan, "What should we do now, go to other places to have a look, or continue to wait?"

Su Qinglan said: "If you continue to wait, there may not be any results. It's better to go back and think of a better way."

It's already this time, it will be dawn soon, and there is no movement at all, I'm afraid the other party has already succeeded.

There is no need to stay here.

Xiao Yixuan was still quite disappointed. He originally planned to bring those people to justice, but who knew that after waiting all night, those people didn't come out, leading them to waste the whole night in vain.

The two were about to leave when suddenly there was movement on the street.

"Killed, someone killed, come quickly!"

The shifter suddenly ran down the street frantically. People who thought they had nothing to gain, planned to leave one after another, but when they heard this voice, they immediately ran in the direction of the shifter.

Everyone arrived almost at the same time.

Sure enough, there was a bloody foot in the grass.

Some bold people had already walked over and opened the bushes, revealing a dead body. The bloody heart of the dead body was dug out just like the person who died yesterday.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Yixuan and Su Qinglan quickly glanced at each other.

Those people really did it.

And it was done in front of all the martial arts people, which shows that this group of people didn't pay attention to the martial arts people at all, and they were still playing with the martial arts people?

Who is so courageous?How dare you do such a thing?

This kind of method must not be done by a decent family.

Only crooked sects would do this kind of thing.

Xiao Yixuan and Su Qinglan had already left before the people from the Wulin League arrived.

On the way back, Xiao Yixuan couldn't understand, "What is the purpose of that group of people? Why did they kill people in front of martial arts people and steal their hearts? What exactly are they planning?"

Su Qinglan said: "Some murderers dig their hearts out for the pleasure of killing. These people's hearts are not only perverted, but also distorted. They take pleasure in killing people. No one knows what kind of crazy things they will do. Come on, and this is not just one person, I even feel that this is a group crime, I feel that it is impossible for one person to kill a person silently unless someone cooperates internally and externally to stage this scene... ..."

"The purpose of doing this is clearly to warn the martial arts people. They don't care about people in the Jianghu at all. In their eyes, these people are nothing more than clowns. That's why they dare to kill people openly and dig out their hearts."

Xiao Yixuan frowned even deeper, "This kind of person is really terrifying, one person is already terrifying, if it is a group of people, isn't it even more terrifying..."

"Martial arts people have always had titles of justice. Now people are dying every day and the hearts of these corpses have been dug out. They will not just ignore it. Do you think those people killed people intentionally and then distracted them? If so If so, what is the purpose of these people?"

"Will their purpose be the same as ours? If so, if we want to save Lele, we must confront them. Do you have any good methods? A good strategy can deal with these people ?”

Su Qinglan shook her head lightly, "I don't know yet, but there is a saying that is good, those who come are not kind, and those who are kind do not come, that is to say, these people did not appear at the right time, and the purpose of coming here is absolutely It's not pure, maybe it's not just for the martial arts conference, but for a certain purpose. Anyway, this matter has nothing to do with us. We can't come here clearly, but we can investigate secretly and cooperate with them to get this group of people If people are found, it will save us time once they come, and we can use them to eradicate this group of people for us, and then we can eradicate these people without any effort."

Xiao Yixuan raised his thumbs up to Su Qinglan, "Gao Ming, your move is really clever. In this way, we can eradicate these people without any effort, and we can get what we are looking for. In fact, we can kill two birds with one stone." , So what we have to do now is to search for evidence, find the evidence left by those people, it is impossible for those who killed people to erase all the evidence, you said we can go find the evidence..."

Su Qinglan said to Xiao Yixuan: "You are right, but we can let Tang Shaoqing do this matter, if we come forward, this matter will definitely involve us, but Tang Shaoqing is different... "

Xiao Yixuan was still a little worried, "Tang Shaoqing can't trust us so easily, so we have to find evidence to prove that we didn't do this thing, otherwise I think she will suspect us, which will hurt us We are disadvantaged, even though we have reached an agreement with Tang Shaoqing, he will trust us 100%."

Su Qinglan didn't take it seriously, "Although we are cooperating with Tang Shaoqing, not only him, but we also don't trust him 100%. When we first started cooperating, no one would believe anyone. Only by presenting evidence can the other party be trusted. To be able to reach a long-term cooperation, we must first find evidence, so that he has no reason to doubt us."

Xiao Yixuan nodded, "I agree with what you said, I will investigate this matter myself, and will not let any clues go."

Su Qinglan naturally believed Xiao Yixuan's. After all, Xiao Yixuan had been by her side for a long time, and she also really loved Lele. She was also relieved to leave this matter to this man.

"Let's go back now! After we go back, we can make a long-term plan."

Xiao Yixuan was secretly happy, and found that he and Su Qinglan had a more and more tacit understanding, and this tacit understanding had reached a default level. This still made him very happy, and it was enough to prove that Su Qinglan now had trust in him , This is a great thing for him.

In the past, Su Qinglan had always had reservations about him, but now it's different, a tacit understanding has been formed between them, which shows that the two are quite compatible.

Such recognition made Xiao Yixuan very happy.

Su Qinglan naturally didn't know what Xiao Yixuan was thinking, otherwise she would think that Xiao Yixuan really thought too much!

(End of this chapter)

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