Chapter 142 Catch the Murderer
Xiao Yixuan quietly followed behind that black shadow, following at a leisurely pace.

He wanted to see what this black shadow was trying to do?
Finally let him find it?Waited so long.

He was finally caught, so naturally he couldn't act rashly.

He wants to see where this black shadow is going?Who is he going to kill?

Only in this way can he be captured alive.

Xiao Yixuan has been quietly following behind that person.

Soi Ying didn't notice that Xiao Yixuan was following him.

Soon Xiao Yixuan discovered the black shadow and was very familiar with the terrain here.

It's as familiar as entering your own backyard.

This person must be from the Wulin League.

It was a little surprising that the murderer was actually a member of the Wulin League.

Xiao Yixuan never expected that this person came from the Wulin League.

Good guy.

He actually went around the city quietly, turning around in a circle, but no one noticed him yet.

Even Xiao Yixuan who was behind him was shocked.

There is no way to use the word rampant to describe this person.

It was simply lawless.

Didn't he know that many people in the factory were trying their best to catch them?How dare he go around in front of everyone?

I have to say that this person is really too arrogant and presumptuous.

Xiao Yixuan almost wanted to make a move.

There was a man who drank too much water at night and wanted to go out to a latrine in the middle of the night.

Drowsily asleep, suddenly felt something behind her.

When he turned around to look, he found that there was actually a man in black behind him.

The man was startled.

The man in black took out his knife and stretched it directly in front of the man.

It's too late, it's too soon.

The hidden weapon in Xiao Yixuan's hand blocked the man's knife.

That person was almost hacked to death by a black man.

Fortunately, Xiao Yixuan saved his life in time.

The man fell directly to the ground, paralyzed with fright.

And the man in black started fighting with Xiao Yixuan.

The two fought hard.

The sound of their fighting also caught Tang Shaoqing's attention.

Hearing the sound of fighting, people from Tang Shaoqing's side also rushed over.

Su Qinglan also knew that there must be movement from Xiao Yixuan's side, so she also rushed over.

When the man in black saw that he could not escape and was about to commit suicide, he was stopped by Su Qinglan.

Su Qinglan directly sealed the acupuncture points of the man in black.

Take his mouth off.

Make it impossible for him to commit suicide.

When Tang Shaoqing rushed over with people, Su Qinglan and Xiao Yixuan had already subdued the man in black.

Su Qinglan and Xiao Yixuan handed over the man in black to Tang Shaoqing.

Tang Shaoqing was shocked and looked at Su Qinglan in surprise.

"Is this the assassin?"

Xiao Yixuan said: "This person is from the Wulin League. When he came out from the Wulin League, I followed her all the way. She has been going around the city and is very familiar with the terrain here. This person is probably from the Wulin League. You It must be investigated carefully."

The black man's mask was pulled away, and it turned out to be an unfamiliar face. None of the people present knew this person.

In other words, although this person is from the Wulin League, he is definitely not from the Wulin League.

His coming out of the Wulin League probably explained a situation.

That is the person who deliberately wanted to frame Wulinmeng.

Otherwise, how could he come out of the Wulin League at this time?

Xiao Yixuan also thought he was from the Wulin League at first, but when he lifted his mask.

But it turns out that this person is not really a member of the Wulin League.

(End of this chapter)

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