Chapter 152 She Was Too Indifferent
Su Qinglan said to Ximeng: "Keep watching, if you find anything unusual, come back and report it as soon as possible."

Ximeng nodded, "Yes, Lord."

Ximeng withdrew.

Xiao Yixuan asked Su Qinglan curiously: "You doubt them?"

Su Qinglan nodded, "Yes! I have some doubts, but there is no evidence."

Xiao Yixuan asked in confusion: "Why do you doubt them?"

Su Qinglan said: "Before, we had contact with that group of people, and one of them must have some kind of disease. Although I didn't guess what it was, it must be."

"Think about it, since he is sick, he must be treated, but why did he come here for treatment?"

"They don't come from the Central Plains at first sight. If they come here to see a doctor, there must be something wrong. As for what the problem is, I don't know yet, but it's always right to keep an eye on them..."

Xiao Yixuan said: "You suspect that this matter has something to do with them, that's why Ximeng sent someone to keep an eye on it?"

Su Qinglan nodded, "I do have this idea, but I don't know whether they are the real murderers or not. We have to see if the murderer will come out to kill again."

Xiao Yixuan looked at Su Qinglan, "Then, do we still need to go out tonight?"

Su Qinglan shook her head, "No need, if we go out tonight, those people won't be able to kill people, we just need to see if they will kill people."

Xiao Yixuan looked at Su Qinglan, and suddenly felt that Su Qinglan was sometimes quite heartless.

Because, she clearly knew that someone might be killed tonight, but she was indifferent.

What kind of woman is this woman?

He was very curious.

However, Su Qinglan felt that she was not a god. If she could stop others from killing people once and twice, could she stop all murderers in the world from killing people?


She can only do her own duty well, as for other things, it is out of her jurisdiction.

Some people may think that she is cold and cold-blooded.

So what, she was such a cold-blooded person.

No matter how powerful she is, she doesn't have three heads and six arms to save so many people.

What she can do is to protect the people around her and the people who are important to her. As for other things, she really can't control so much.

Someone hates her or resents her.

She doesn't care.

Some people may think that she is so powerful, so why not save people!

But why does she want to save people?

If a person is really about to die, can she stop it once, or twice?
The only thing she wants to do now is to protect her children.

Su Qinglan's indifference in Xiao Yixuan's face did not say anything, but said to Su Qinglan: "I'll go out for a walk first..."

Su Qinglan nodded, and did not reject Xiao Yixuan, she said to Xiao Yixuan: "Be careful when you go out, after all, there are people from the world now..."

Xiao Yixuan nodded, "Don't worry! I'm just going out for a walk, and I won't make any enemies."

Su Qinglan was not afraid of Xiao Yixuan's grudges with others, she was just worried that Xiao Yixuan likes to meddle in other people's business.

(End of this chapter)

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