Chapter 154

After a few moves, Xiao Yixuan beat the man to the ground, and he didn't bother to spend time playing with him.

The man didn't expect that this man's martial arts were so powerful, he beat himself to the ground a few days ago.

Before he came here, he couldn't believe that this person was really so powerful. Now that he was beaten to the ground, he realized that he underestimated the enemy too much.

The men behind the man said: "We must take him down along the way..."

The corners of Xiao Yixuan's mouth curled up, it was ridiculous to want to take him down just because of this group of people, I don't know who gave them the courage to say such a thing.

Xiao Yixuan knocked everyone down with a few kicks, those people knelt on the ground and cried for their parents.

Xiao Yixuan stepped on that person's head, "How is it? What were you talking about just now? Make me look good?"

"The hero is that we have eyes that don't know Mount Tai, offended the hero, please forgive me..."

Those people knelt down and begged for mercy.

It was completely different from the arrogant attitude just now.

Xiao Yixuan smiled coldly: "That's not what you said when you just came here, why did you change your words so quickly?"

"Hero, we know we were wrong, and we will never dare again."

Xiao Yixuan didn't want to make trouble either, so he let go of his legs and said to the group of people: "In the future, seeing you bullying the weak will not end like this, you can do it yourself, this time I will let you go first, and there will be no more Next time, if there is a next time, I will make you unable to raise your hands again..."

What he hates the most in his life is that these people bully the weak.

And it's shameless for this group of people to actually bully an old man.

Suddenly several martial arts practitioners appeared in front of Xiao Yixuan.

The group of people begging for mercy just now rushed in front of those people.

"The young master is that person, the one who beat us."

This face-changing speed is faster than the sky.

Xiao Yixuan was completely speechless, he knew that this group of people didn't know what to do, well, let him teach these people a lesson.

An extraordinary handsome man came to Xiao Yixuan, "You were the one who hit me just now?"

Xiao Yixuan looked at the man in front of him with a sneer, knowing that this man's martial arts were not bad, but he was not afraid.

"I did it, why do you want to avenge them?"

"You don't look like a martial arts person, you dare to beat me, you must not know who I am!"

Xiao Yixuan didn't take him seriously at all, "Why are you famous? I'm really sorry, I really don't know who you are..."

Could this group of people be fools? Why did they ask him all day if he knew who they were?Are they that famous?

It's a pity that he really doesn't know who these people are.

The man's expression was very bad, "Then let you know who I am."

The man started to attack Xiao Yixuan.

Xiao Yixuan was not afraid at all, so the two started fighting.

The surrounding crowd crowded over for a while, all watching the show.

Among the crowd, suddenly a dark dart shot towards Xiao Yixuan.

Xiao Yixuan wanted to dodge, but was stabbed by the man in front of him.

The man also did not expect that someone in the crowd would throw a dark dart at Xiao Yixuan, and it was too late to withdraw his hand.

Xiao Yixuan looked at his injured arm and frowned, "The despicable and shameless villain actually used such indecent means..."

The man knew that Xiao Yixuan had misunderstood, and quickly explained: "You misunderstood, the person who used the dark dart on you just now is not mine."

(End of this chapter)

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