Chapter 161 It's Strange

Xiao Yixuan said: "On the contrary, I think the matter is not that simple. I guess the Martial Arts League will definitely make a move, but I don't know what choice Tang Shaoqing will make..."

Su Qinglan said to Xiao Yixuan: "But these are not things we should worry about. The person who should worry about these things is Tang Shaoqing..."

"Tang Shaoqing is actually not simple, so don't underestimate him."

Xiao Yixuan had never underestimated Tang Shaoqing. From the first time he met Tang Shaoqing, he felt that this person was very extraordinary.

He naturally regarded Tang Shaoqing as his opponent.

How could he underestimate Tang Shaoqing?
Xiao Yixuan said to Su Qinglan: "Don't worry! Even if I underestimate anyone, I won't underestimate Tang Shaoqing."

Su Qinglan nodded: "It's good if you can think so, don't think too much, they will deal with the rest of the matter, if they can't handle it, we will take action. If you take action too early, it will make Tang Shaoqing suspicious."

"Our identities cannot be too prominent, so as not to be targeted."

Xiao Yixuan nodded understandingly: "Don't worry, I will be careful."


It was learned that Tang Shaoqing had caught the murderer.

The Wulin League immediately sent someone over to ask for someone.

It would be too ugly for the Wulin League to do this.

The man was caught by Tang Shaoqing.

The Wulin League is stinky and shameless. They don't show up when they catch the murderer, but they come as soon as they are caught.

Tang Shaoqing's popularity is dying, but there is nothing he can do.

Tang Shaoqing is much more direct, if you want to take people away, then take them away!
Because he had known for a long time that there was no way to pry any information from this person. Since he couldn't pry his mouth, it was useless to keep it. It would be better to treat Wulin League as a favor.

Tang Shaoqing's people were not as grand as Tang Shaoqing, all of them were livid with anger, but there was nothing they could do.

After the members of the Wulin League took the murderer away, Tang Shaoqing's people questioned: "Master Shao, you finally caught the murderer, why did you hand it over to the Wulin League?"

"These old guys are really stinky and shameless. It's too much to snatch people away from others because they don't have the ability. How can you bear such a tone, young hall master?"

Tang Shaoqing asked everyone: "Do you think I have been wronged?"

The young man said: "Isn't it? When catching the murderer, our group of people fought hard all night to catch the murderer. Why do people from the Wulin League say that if you want someone, let him go. We are busy." It's been so long, and everyone hasn't had time to interrogate?"

Tang Shaoqing smiled softly: "You are still too young, you should learn more."

Everyone looked at Tang Shaoqingqing for no reason.

"What does the young hall master mean by this?"

Could it be that the young hall master disliked them for being too stupid and unable to turn their heads around.Seeing that Xiao Yixuan looked at her and didn't speak for a while, Su Qinglan couldn't help feeling very strange, and asked Xiao Yixuan: "What's the matter? Why didn't you speak?"

Xiao Yixuan shook his head lightly, "No, I just think it's impossible for Tang Shaoqing to get the result of the interrogation. Will the murderer be silenced?"

Su Qinglan had also thought about this issue, but it was obvious that it was not for them to think about it.

"This problem still has to be dealt with by Tang Shaoqing himself. If Tang Shaoqing has the ability to protect his hands, no one will be able to kill him..."

Tang Shaoqing said: "In everything, you must never look at the surface, you must look at the facts, and you must look at the truth. Many times what you see with your naked eyes is not the truth."

"Just like the current incident, you think we caught him, why did you give it to the Martial Arts League?"

"You think we have been busy all night, and we let the Wulin League take him away before the murderer even had time to interrogate, so you feel very uncomfortable."

"But think about it, we didn't catch the man with our own hands, but others sent it to us. Why did others send the murderer directly to us? Don't you have any doubts?"

After listening to Tang Shaoqing's words, everyone's faces were quite ugly. After all, they didn't seem to think as much as Tang Shaoqing did. Most of the time they were more inclined to go on the rampage, only seeing the surface but not the conspiracy behind it.

Seeing that everyone was quiet, Tang Shaoqing continued: "This murderer is not an ordinary murderer. No matter what we do, it is impossible for him to tell us the truth, so even if this murderer gives it to us, it is useless... "

"A killer generally has the quality of a killer. Even if he dies, he will not tell the truth. No matter how much we torture him, he will never tell us the truth."

"At this time, the murderer becomes useless in our hands. Others will blame us for catching the murderer and not finding out the people behind him. This is very detrimental to us."

"Now the Wulin League itself proposes to take the murderer away, which saves us trouble."

"Because this murderer will never survive. Instead of letting him die in our hands, it is better to let him die in the hands of the Wulin League. By then, the murderer will die in the Wulin League and not in our Tangjiabao. Our Tangjiabao relationship."

After hearing this, everyone realized the power of it. They never thought that there would be so many setbacks in it. If Tang Shaoqing hadn't reminded them, they really didn't think about these aspects.

It's no wonder that this group of people has been staying in Tangjiabao and rarely appeared in Jianghu. Now that something like this has happened again, everyone will think that the Wulin League is bullying people, but it is not.

The rivers and lakes are dangerous, this sentence is not false.

This sentence has a long history, and it is not without reason.

Therefore, those who come out to walk the rivers and lakes must remember four words, the rivers and lakes are dangerous.


In the early morning of the second day, Xiyan received the news that the Wulin League had taken the murderer away from the people of Tangjiabao.

Sure enough, as Su Qinglan expected, it was the members of the Wulin League who took the murderer away.

Wu Linmeng took the murderer away at this time, obviously feeling like a bully.

But Tang Jiabao could only obediently hand over the murderer.

It seems that Tangjiabao has suffered a loss, but in fact Tangjiabao has not suffered a disadvantage, but the Wulin League has suffered a disadvantage.

This murderer is sure to die, even if they didn't kill him, he would be killed by other killers.

The moment this person was caught, his fate was already doomed, and he was the one who was abandoned after all.

Even so, he would certainly not tell the truth.

Since he can't tell the truth, it doesn't make much sense to keep this person, it's like being a useless person, it's useless.

(End of this chapter)

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