Chapter 163 Jealous

Su Qinglan felt a little uneasy that Xiao Yixuan didn't come back so late.

So, she went out to find someone herself.

After searching for a long time, they finally found Xiao Yixuan fighting with a young man by the lake.

Good guy.

She had been looking for her for a long time, but he was actually fighting with someone here.

That's enough.

Su Qinglan flew straight up and separated the two fighting people abruptly.

When Xiao Yixuan saw Su Qinglan coming, his momentum immediately weakened.

Su Qinglan frowned tightly, and asked Xiao Yixuan, "What do you mean by walking around and fighting with others?"

Xiao Yixuan quickly explained: "That's not the case, listen to me."

Seeing that Xiao Yixuan was injured, Su Qinglan frowned even deeper.

Good you dog man.

Even if you fight, you still lose and get injured.

Really useless.

What's going on here at the martial arts conference?
Su Qinglan was obviously very upset.

Baili Feiyue said: "I, Baiyue Sect, will not bully anyone who is weak. The old beggar is not a weak person, and it is very likely that he is an old monster from a cult... That day, when I passed by, he He was entangled with me, and then I quickly discovered that my sect token was missing, and he must have taken it away..."

"The sect token is the token of our Baiyue sect. It is very important, so people will be sent to look for the whereabouts of the old beggar. It is not intentional to bully him. If he hadn't taken my sect token, I would have chased an old beggar. What are beggars doing, I am not full and have nothing to do..."

Su Qinglan did not suspect that what Baili Feiyue said was a lie.

Baiyuemen, a majestic sect, would not beat an old beggar in the street.

Moreover, if the old beggar really took the token of Baiyuemen, it would be very problematic.

Everyone in the world knows that the token of the Baiyue Sect is one of the very important tokens, which can mobilize the disciples of the Baiyue Sect.

What did the old beggar mean by taking away the token of the Baiyue sect?

Su Qinglan said to Baili Feiyue: "I believe you won't tell lies, but my man, he is also careless, please have a lot of adults, don't worry about him, he just thinks that you are bullying an old man , will help and act bravely, if other people see a group of people bullying an old man, they will also take action..."

Baili Feiyue is not an unreasonable person. Hearing what Su Qinglan said, Baili Feiyue said: "Forget about this matter, anyway, this brother was injured by a dark dart just now." , let’s count it as a tie! If you see that old beggar again in the future, please take him down. What he took away was the token of my Baiyue Sect, and this token must not be left outside..." Xiao Yixuan could also see that Su Qinglan was unhappy, so she quickly explained, "I'm sorry, I really didn't mean it, I was planning to drink some wine, who knows, I met a group of people bullying an old beggar, so I I couldn’t stand it anymore, so I went up to teach them a lesson and saved the old beggar.”

"Who knows, after they were beaten away by me, they followed me to the riverside and surrounded me. Naturally, I would not let them go so easily. I wanted to teach them some lessons and let them know Respect the old and love the young, but who knows, just after the fight, another young guy came and insisted on teaching me, saying that I bullied their people, I am laughing..."

"What kind of sect in this martial arts school is so big that it can indulge its disciples and bully an old beggar. Tell me, who wouldn't be angry?"

People around are also pointing.

"This young man is right! These Jianghu sects bully others by virtue of their numbers."

"No, it's the old beggars who are bullying, and they still have to be shameless. What kind of sect are they?"

"Yes! Tell us your sect, let us see, which sect is so shameless that even bullies old beggars..."

The young man who was still high-spirited just now blushed.

He stammered and said: "'s not like that, you're all mistaken, that's not an old beggar at all, that's an old poison, he specially pretends to be a beggar to steal money and deceive people, this old beggar He also stole my door pass, which is very important to Baiyue Sect, and now that old beggar stole it..."

"I sent my disciples to look for the old beggar. Today, I managed to catch the old beggar. The old beggar refused to admit it, and finally forced the Baiyue sect to teach him a lesson..."

Xiao Yixuan sneered, "You can say whatever you want, how could an old beggar steal something from your Baiyue Sect, it turns out that you are actually the famous Baiyue Sect, tsk tsk... So your Baiyue Sect is this kind of stuff... ..."

The man's face suddenly became ugly, "You can insult me, but you can't insult me ​​at Baiyuemen..."

The man drew out his sword, intending to fight Xiao Yixuan for hundreds of rounds.

He didn't believe that he couldn't beat Xiao Yixuan.

Su Qinglan gave Xiao Yixuan a hard look, "Why did you do it before you figured it out?"

Su Qinglan looked at the man, "Excuse me, are you from Baiyue Sect?"

The man saw that Su Qinglan was not an unreasonable person, so he reported his family name: "I am Baili Dengfeng's junior... called Baili Feiyue..."

Baili Dengfeng is one of the four rookies in martial arts, and he is also very powerful.

This year, everyone is guessing that Baili Dengfeng should have taken the position of martial arts leader.

Everyone was shocked when they heard Baili Feiyue say that he was Baili Dengfeng's younger brother.

It turned out that they were from Baiyuemen.

If they were from Baiyuemen, then what they said should be true.

Moreover, how could people from Baiyue Sect, a well-known sect, bully an old beggar?

Among them, it is estimated that there must be some misunderstanding.

Su Qinglan nodded, "So it's from Baili's family. Today's incident still needs to be investigated clearly. If it really hinders you, then I'm here to say sorry..."

Xiao Yixuan was a little unconvinced, but when Su Qinglan stared, he immediately became obedient.Xiao Yixuan snorted coldly, he didn't believe it at all, they were not a group, he became angry, the sword energy on his body directly condensed into a ball, and struck towards the man.

For such an insidious villain, there is no need to be polite to him.

Xiao Yixuan was really angry.

The man saw that Xiao Yixuan was serious, so he naturally couldn't show weakness.

The two fought and the surrounding crowd dispersed.

This is sword energy, a little carelessness will hurt ordinary people.

Everyone hid far away.

(End of this chapter)

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