Chapter 172 Detecting Anomalies
It is not known how long the man had been dead before he was discovered.

Tang Shaoqing also brought people over.

The Wulin League also brought people over.

After seeing the dead, you can only take the dead back first.

Xiao Yixuan and Su Qinglan also rushed to the scene.

Tang Shaoqing looked at it, Su Qinglan and Xiao Yixuan glanced at it, and nodded slightly to these two people.

Xiao Yixuan and Su Qinglan looked at each other.

A few people have a tacit understanding and meet each other in a teahouse.

Tang Shaoqing asked Su Qinglan: "What do you think about this matter?"

Su Qinglan said: "Obviously those people came for a certain purpose. They are undoubtedly provoking the Wulin League. This matter is really difficult to investigate. There may be more than one murderer. It's what worries me the most..."

"What's more, every method of letting go is the same, and the method is quite neat, which means that this is not a single person, but a large criminal group. There are many powerful killers among them, who are responsible for killing and taking Heart……"

"It's really not an easy task to get them out of the way. On the surface, this incident looks like a murder, but in fact it seems to be a warning..."

"Of course, only the person involved knows about this matter."

Tang Shaoqing looked at Su Qinglan: "Who is the person you are talking about?"

Su Qinglan: "Those people whose hearts have been taken out have to investigate who they are and what their identities are. I always feel that this matter is not easy, and it even feels a bit like revenge..."

Tang Shaoqing looked at Su Qinglan: "Then what you mean is that this person didn't necessarily come for Tangjiabao, but happened to meet Tangjiabao."

Su Qinglan nodded: "It is indeed possible, but it is not 100% sure. No one can be 100% sure about this matter, and neither can I..."

Tang Shaoqing took a sip of tea, and slowly put down the teacup, "What do you think the people behind all this want to do? They have made the whole world panic. Could it be that their purpose is to disrupt the world?"

Su Qinglan also picked up the teacup and took a sip of tea, "Who knows what the purpose of these people is? Maybe they deliberately wanted revenge? Without certainty, it's hard for us to make a conclusion..." The next day Sure enough, the corpse appeared again. The corpse was exactly the same as before, and the heart had been hollowed out.

This incident also alarmed everyone, and everyone ran to see it early in the morning.

Seeing that corpse, the position of the heart has been hollowed out, becoming hollow, full of blood.

After one night, Songkou's blood had solidified.

Tang Shaoqing looked at Su Qinglan: "Then do you have any good ideas?"

Su Qinglan shook her head lightly: "If you want to expect the truth, you must find out the people behind the scenes. Only by finding out the people behind the scenes will you be sure, find out the truth, and find out the murderer... "

Tang Shaoqing felt that what Su Qinglan said made sense, but it was really not easy to find out who was behind the scenes.

It seems that some people did not want this martial arts conference to be successful, so they deliberately did this thing, hindering the martial arts conference.

So does this matter have a lot to do with the current leader?
Although he had such an idea in his heart, Tang Shaoqing didn't directly bring it up because he had no evidence.

In the absence of evidence, no conclusions can be made.

If you misunderstand, wouldn't it be ridiculous.

On the way back, Xiao Yixuan asked Su Qinglan: "Do you think this matter really has nothing to do with Tangjiabao?"

Su Qinglan said: "The other party's purpose is obvious. They deliberately killed people to get their hearts. What does this phenomenon mean? Why did they want to kill people to get their hearts? This is something I've always wondered about."

Xiao Yixuan said: "Maybe there are such perverted killers in this world. They intentionally kill people and steal their hearts, just to satisfy their desire to kill."

Su Qinglan shook her head lightly: "I feel that things are not as simple as I imagined. There are other problems here, but I haven't figured out the problems here. If you want to know the answer, We must find out the people behind the scenes..."

Xiao Yixuan said to Su Qinglan: "In fact, everyone understands this truth, but the person behind it is so good-looking, it is not so easy to find him. Didn't he launch a scapegoat last time? Now thinking Looking at him, I feel that it is not easy..."

Su Qinglan smiled: "It is true that he hides very deeply, but no matter how deep he hides, I still have a way to find him out. As long as he is still in the Wulin League, I can find him out."

Xiao Yixuan asked the girl: "Then have you thought of any solution now?"

Su Qinglan shook her head slightly: "I haven't thought of a better way yet, but I have a way. Instead of monitoring those murderous monsters, it is better to monitor the people of the Wulin League. This matter must have something to do with the Wulin League." There is an inseparable relationship with the people of the Wulin League, and now as long as we keep an eye on the people of the Wulin League, we may be able to find the answer..."

Xiao Yixuan looked at Su Qinglan in surprise: "You mean that the other party came here to insult someone of yours? They killed people intentionally, and their intention was to stimulate the people of the Wulin League?"

Su Qinglan nodded: "The truth that I couldn't figure out before, I can finally figure it out now. In fact, the truth is also very simple. Killing people may be just a means of revenge..."

Xiao Yixuan understood Su Qinglan's meaning in an instant: "I know, I know what I should do, don't worry, I will personally watch the Wulin League from today on."

Su Qinglan said to Xiao Yixuan: "Then it's hard work for you. Be careful in everything, and don't let what happened last time happen again."

Xiao Yixuan looked embarrassed, and said to Su Qinglan: "Don't worry, I'm not such an ignorant person, this time you show me a good look, I will definitely find out the person hiding behind... ..."

Su Qinglan smiled: "Then I'm looking forward to your good news, don't let me down."

Xiao Yixuan was very depressed. Could it be that he is such a disappointing person?

When did he become unreliable?
In order to prevent Su Qinglan from wanting to see Xiao Yixuan, he decided to directly find out the person hiding behind his back, and let Su Qinglan see his own strength.

He doesn't want you to be underestimated.

A manly man, he will do what he says.

Seeing Xiao Yixuan's high-spirited look, Su Qinglan couldn't help laughing, why is this person so easy to fool!
She just fooled around a little, and he fell for it.

Quite interesting.

(End of this chapter)

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