Chapter 181 I Can't Believe
This made Xiao Yixuan unbelievable. He walked around for a long time, but found nothing and left no traces.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he couldn't believe that everything that happened before him was real.

That person just disappeared out of nowhere.

In the end, Xiao Yixuan could only go back and tell Su Qinglan about this matter.

Su Qinglan also had a pensive look on her face, how could such a good-looking person disappear out of thin air?There must be something wrong here.

Su Qinglan said to Xiao Yixuan, "Take me to see it."

A good person disappeared out of thin air, is this playing some kind of magic?

Xiao Yixuan brought Su Qinglan to the scene, and told Su Qinglan everything about the situation at that time.

Su Qinglan watched the scene of the incident for a long time, but did not see anything unusual.

Just like the person Xiao Yixuan mentioned, it seemed as if he had disappeared out of thin air.

How could ordinary people disappear out of thin air?

This person is definitely not an ordinary person, or else he must have used some method.

Did this person use teleportation?
Xiao Yixuan asked Su Qinglan: "What do you think about this matter? You said why this person disappeared out of thin air, have you ever heard of such a thing before?"

Su Qinglan shook her head lightly: "It's strange to disappear out of thin air. There must be something wrong here. As for what is the problem? We still need to investigate clearly..."

Xiao Yixuan said: "Does this have a lot to do with the murderer? If he has such a skill, can he kill people at will, and people can't track him..."

If such a terrifying person really existed, the entire Jianghu would be in danger.

Su Qinglan was still thinking about this matter, and she didn't know whether it was true or not, how could a person disappear without a trace!
There must be something they missed.

Su Qinglan did have an idea, she said to Xiao Yixuan: "I have a very good idea, that is to restore the situation at that time, as long as we can restore the situation at that time, maybe we can know the answer."

Xiao Yixuan asked Su Qinglan: "How do you plan to restore the scene?"

Xiao Yixuan looked at Su Qinglan.

Su Qinglan thought for a while: "Otherwise, let me be that assassin, and then I will tell you to come and go, you just follow me, I want to see what the situation was like..."

Xiao Yixuan nodded: "All right, then we will restore the scene."

Su Qinglan was in front, and Xiao Yixuan followed behind Su Qinglan just like last night.

Then Xiao Yixuan came to the place where that person disappeared, Su Qinglan just stood there, did not disappear.

Xiao Yixuan looked at Su Qinglan with a dazed expression.

Su Qinglan said to Xiao Yixuan: "Now let's switch, you will demonstrate the object you were following last night, and I will try to follow you..."

Xiao Yixuan could only agree in the end, Su Qinglan followed Xiao Yixuan and followed Xiao Yixuan all the time.

Until I came to the place where the person's news came.

Xiao Yixuan was standing at the place where that person disappeared, Su Qinglan looked at it for a while, and felt that something was wrong.

She walked a few steps directly from Xiao Yatxuan's side, and found that the sand on the ground was actually soft, and stepped on it hard, and she could still make a sound.

Xiao Yixuan quickly looked at Su Qinglan, and Su Qinglan also looked at Xiao Yixuan, their eyes met.

Xiao Yixuan said to Su Qinglan: "Is there a problem here?"

Su Qinglan nodded, "There should be a dark room below, but you can only get in if you find the mechanism."

Xiao Yixuan began to search around.

But no mechanism was found.

Su Qinglan looked to the side, there was no shelter around, but something happened to her.

There seems to be something in the position directly in front.

Su Qinglan walked directly to that inconspicuous place, and then pressed it down with her hand.

Sure enough, there was a bump in it. She pushed it with her hand, and a hole appeared in the ground, a hole the size of a person.

Xiao Yixuan looked at Su Qinglan's eyes brightened, "I didn't expect the agency to be here, it's too secretive."

Su Qinglan said to Xiao Yixuan: "Let's go in and take a look first! Check your situation..."

Xiao Yixuan jumped down from that hole first, the hole is not big, it can only accommodate one person, but the hole below is quite big, it really is a secret room.

Xiao Yixuan said to Su Qinglan from below: "Come down, this is a secret room below."

When Su Qinglan heard Xiao Yixuan's voice, she jumped down from the top and landed firmly on the ground.

When Su Qinglan came down, she smelled a strong fishy smell.

Su Qinglan asked Xiao Yixuan: "Did you smell anything?"

Xiao Yixuan replied to Su Qinglan: "It's the smell of blood, a very strong smell of blood."

Su Qinglan nodded: "That's right, it's the smell of blood with a particularly strong smell of blood."

Xiao Yixuan opened the door of the secret room, and wine jars appeared in front of them, as if they had entered a wine cellar, surrounded by wine jars.

Many people have this special place for wine in their homes.

Unexpectedly, there is also a cellar here.

Those bloody smells come out of these wine jars.

Xiao Yixuan stepped forward and opened one of the wine jars, unexpectedly found a bright red heart inside.

Xiao Yixuan frowned immediately, and asked Su Qinglan to come over and have a look.

After Su Qinglan glanced at it, her brows furrowed.

"It seems that those lost hearts are all hidden here."

Xiao Yixuan looked at Su Qinglan: "Someone deliberately kept his heart here. The person who came out last night probably killed someone and hid his heart here..." Xiao Yixuan was very angry: "The past few years have also It’s too much, so many people have been killed, so many hearts have been dug out, and the hearts here are not just those we found, there are others..."

This is enough to show that these people have killed many people and put their hearts here.

What is this for?

Seeing so many hearts, Su Qinglan was quite speechless.

How could this group of people be so perverted?What is the purpose of killing so many people and putting so many hearts here?

The strange thing is that there is no smell at all outside. How could such a bloody smell be isolated from this small basement?
What kind of knowledge is there in it?
Su Qinglan walked directly into the cellar, only the bottom of the cellar smelled bloody, and there was no bloody smell above it, otherwise someone must have discovered this place long ago.

If Xiao Yixuan hadn't found this place by accident, no one would have noticed that the heart was stored in front of everyone so easily.

(End of this chapter)

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