Chapter 188 The purpose is not pure

Su Qinglan shook her head: "It's really strange, but no matter what, it's the most important thing to know what it is. As long as you analyze these things, you can know what makes the smell of blood unable to spread. ..."

Xiao Yixuan had no choice but to compromise and nodded, and then asked Su Qinglan: "How long will it take to analyze the fans? How long will it take to analyze this thing?"

Su Qinglan couldn't give Xiao Yixuan an accurate answer, because it was the first time she encountered this kind of thing, so she couldn't be sure.

"I can't give you an accurate answer now, but I can tell you that I will investigate it as soon as possible."

Xiao Yixuan nodded, because he believed in Su Qinglan very much, "Okay, I will leave this matter to you, as for those people, leave it to me!"

Su Qinglan looked at Xiao Yixuan: "Don't act impulsively in everything, you need to think more, look more, pay more attention, maybe you will find many different truths."

Although he didn't understand why Su Qinglan said these words to him suddenly, Xiao Yixuan still nodded and listened to Su Qinglan's words, "Okay, I will do what you said."

Su Qinglan took those transparent things back to study. After a day and a night of research, he studied the ingredients of these things in Chinese medicine.

These things come from a kind of tree body, a kind of mucus from the tree body. This kind of mucus is applied to the inside of the partition board to isolate the smell of blood, or even any smell.

This is also the cleverness of the murderer, using this method to hide the heart in that place without being discovered.

The murderer was indeed very powerful, but it was a pity they were still found.

Xiao Yixuan came to Su Qinglan after learning about this matter, Xiao Yixuan asked Su Qinglan: "Should I tell Tang Shaoqing about this matter?"

Su Qinglan shook her head lightly: "Don't tell him about this matter for the time being, keep it a secret for now, and see what's going on in the Wulin League first, I always feel that this matter has something to do with the Wulin League Inseparable relationship, you must keep an eye on the Internet for me these few days, come back and report as soon as possible if you have anything to do?"

Xiao Yixuan looked at Su Qinglan: "Do you suspect that this matter was done by the people behind the Wulin League?"

Su Qinglan nodded: "I do have this suspicion, but I doubt that these people will blame others, so this is the real reason why I told you to keep an eye on the Wulin League."

After listening to Su Qinglan's words, Xiao Yixuan instantly understood Su Qinglan's meaning, "I know what I should do, don't worry, I have been staring at the Wulin League for the past few days, and I haven't found anything yet... everything It's all quite normal, and the person who disappeared from the Wulin League has never appeared again..."

Su Qinglan nodded and said to Xiao Yixuan: "No matter what, it's always right to keep staring. One day all this will come to light and the murderer will be brought to justice..."

Xiao Yixuan nodded: "I understand, don't worry, I will pay attention to all this."

After Xiao Yixuan left, Su Qinglan couldn't help but fell into deep thought while looking at the things in her hand.

What kind of slime is this thing from a tree?

This thing is definitely not from the Central Plains, it is very likely to be something from other places.

As long as you can know what kind of tree it is, you can know what it is.

The tree will definitely be iconic.

As for what kind of tree it is, she still doesn't know yet.

I have never seen such slime grow on any tree.

But there is indeed a living tree in the slime.

In other words, this thing grew on the tree and was scraped off by someone.

This matter is definitely not that simple, and this place is near the Wulin League, which shows that someone deliberately wants to make trouble here.

What does this have to do with the Wulin League?

Su Qinglan let out a long sigh. This matter seems to be more complicated than imagined, and the people behind it seem to have been waiting for this opportunity for a long time!

However, now the clues are becoming clearer and clearer. As long as one can know who these people are going to deal with behind the scenes, one can know the truth.

Now, I can only send someone to watch.

They also have no other choice.

As long as the clues can be found, according to the clues, the truth can be found.

The real culprit was hidden too deeply, but Su Qinglan still had other suspicions.

However, this suspicion has not yet been verified, so it is not too late to talk about this matter later.

There is no rush now.

Xiao Yixuan was guarding near the Martial Arts League, and he found something unusual.

He saw someone sneaking into the martial arts league.

Xiao Yixuan felt strange, so he followed that person, and that person went directly into the leader's room.

Xiao Yixuan frowned, and soon after, Wu Linmeng also entered the room.

Xiao Yixuan frowned, because he was worried that he would be discovered, so he didn't dare to get too close.

However, the leader of the martial arts alliance came out after a long time.

Not long after the Wulin League came out, that person also sneaked out.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Yixuan followed that person closely, trying to catch that person.

But that person was very cunning, and quickly disappeared into the crowd.

After Xiao Yixuan lost him, he was very speechless.

He had to go back and tell Su Qinglan about it.

After hearing this, Su Qinglan frowned, "You mean, you saw that person enter the room of the martial arts leader?"

Xiao Yixuan nodded, "I'm not mistaken, that person entered the room of the leader of the martial arts, and not long after, the leader of the martial arts also went in, and after a short while, the leader of the martial arts came out, and that person followed.
Unfortunately, when I followed him out, I was dumped by him. "

Su Qinglan raised her eyebrows slightly, "So, this matter is very likely to have an inseparable relationship with the leader of the martial arts, and the current focus should be on the leader of the martial arts."

Xiao Yixuan also had the same thought. He said to Su Qinglan: "Should we send someone to watch the leader of the martial arts? If this matter really has something to do with the leader of the martial arts, it would be terrible. As the leader of the martial arts, he , To actually disregard human life behind your back, how can there be any reason..."

Su Qinglan nodded, feeling that what Xiao Yixuan said was quite right, if this matter really had something to do with the martial arts leader.

That old man, the leader of the martial arts alliance, is really terrifying.

Thinking of this, Su Qinglan said to Xiao Yixuan: "I will send people to continue to follow the leader of the martial arts alliance, and you will also continue to keep an eye on the martial arts alliance. I don't think this matter is that simple, and I always feel that something will go wrong..."

(End of this chapter)

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